
Stowarzyszenie Spoleczenstwa Wiedzy (SSW) (Poland)

A young Polish think tank which was set up in 2006

Akronym: SSW

The main goal of the association is to improve the quality of people's life by bridging the digital divide. By bringing computers, the Internet and other technologically advanced devices into people's homes we would like to make them take part in social life, go back to a professional environment. We implemented in 2007 and 2008 two projects called Silver Internet 1 and 2, which were supposed to engage older people 50+ in using the Internet, computers, mobile phones and digital cameras. Elders took part in scholarships which were specially designated and designed to suit their needs. Moreover, the classes were conducted by older people meaning 50+.


Stowarzyszenie Społeczeństwa Wiedzy ul. Wiśniowa 55 m.15
02-545 Warszawa


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