EXIT Consulting Ltd. (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Akronym: EXIT Consulting Ltd.
EXIT Consulting Ltd is a consulting agency, based in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), having the mission to support innovation and business growth in BiH, promote entrepreneurship and contribute to development of inclusive BiH information society. Within this framework, EXIT’s activities fall into categories of business and IT consultancy and project management services. Specific areas of strategic interest are devoted to eGovernment, eLearning, eHealth, eBusiness, eTourism, Technology Parks and Business Incubators. EXIT Consulting Ltd offers services and expertise in the field of IT, focusing on IT business support, development of web-based applications and eStrategies. In Western Balkan region EXIT is acting as an integrator of the activities of its own local and international partners’ network, offering collaboration with academic, governmental and city institutions.
Vojvode Momcila 16
78000 Banja Luka
78000 Banja Luka
Bosnia and Herzegovina