European Centre for Women and Technology (Norway)
Akronym: ECWT
Since 2008, when ECWT was set up with 16 founding members, representing high-level expertise from business, government, academia & the non-profit sector, the organization has evolved to be recognized as the main knowledge hub on the issue of Women and Technology in Europe. Today ECWT has around 120 Triple Helix organizations and NGOs and around two hundred individual members. Today, National Points of Contact of ECWT operate in 18 countries. Based on a common global framework and a bold strategy adopted by the International Taskforce on Women in ICTS (ITF) in 2005, ECWT also leads the global collaboration between Europe and similar centres operating in Latin America (Buenos Aires at the UNESCO Center for Women in Science), in Asia Pacific (based at the University of Ballerat) and in Dubai (Regional Center for Women in the Arab World). In five years ECWT has developed to be a reliable partner in European level projects focusing on the women in technology agenda and a key source for safeguarding the gender dimension of e-skills activities (e-skills week in 2010 and 2012, coordinating the national e-skills week in Portugal (2010) and in Italy (2012), organizing the Digital Women workshop at the Digital Agenda Assembly 2011) the Breakout session: Bridging Europe’s skills gap – unlocking the full potential of women in Europe at the e-skills Week Final Conference 2012, participating in delivering e-skills: European Guidelines and quality labels for new curricula), organizing European level activities (e.g. ICT 2006, 2008, 2010; co-organizing the EC and Hungarian EU Presidency Conference ‘Women in Science, Innovation and Technology in the Digital Age, 2011, partnering with the Ohio State University and Georgia University of Technology to run biannually Women’s International Research Engineering Summit (WIRES) with the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF). ECWT has in 2011 initiated a Position Paper and carried out a European level consultation on the Women in Technology agenda leading to the EU Parliamentary Hearing on the same issue planned to take place the 25 April 2013.
Grønland 58
3007 Drammen
- CaMEO - Career Mobility of Europe's Older Workforce
- LIST - Leveraging the Digital & ICT Competences of senior women to extenuate the knowledge divide