Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (Philippines)
Akronym: CIA Asia
Clean Air Asia was established in 2001 as the premier air quality network for Asia by the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and USAID. Its mission is to promote better air quality and livable cities by translating knowledge to policies and actions that reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from transport, energy and other sectors. Since 2007, Clean Air Asia is a UN recognized partnership of almost 250 organizations in Asia and worldwide and 8 Country Networks (China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam), and is supervised by a Partnership Council. The Clean Air Asia acts as the Secretariat of the Clean Air Asia Partnership and is a registered non-stock non-profit organization headquartered in Manila, and with offices in Beijing and Delhi. The Clean Air Asia is governed by its Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and Operations Manual approved by its Board of Trustees (BoT).