Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
Akronym: CERS HAS
The Research Center was formed in January 2012, in the fremework of consolidation procedure of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
The Institute of Economics, the Institute of World Economics and the Institute for Regional Studies maintaining their research autonomy are aiming to conclude their public tasks detailed in the statutes with the highest profficiency possible.
The institute has contributed to several research and policy advisary projects on innovation processes and STI policies. The centre has been active in regional and European wide initiatives and projects as ERAWATCH, PRO INNO europe, GRINCOH, AEGIS, Micro-Dyn; RINDICATE; ETES MACROTEC; SANDERA, FutureFood6 and also in COST actions , since the 4th Frameworkprogramme.
Webseite: http://www.krtk.mta.hu
1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4.