
Ministry for Industry, Energy and Mining of Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining is responsible for the development and promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship.

Akronym: MIER RS

By participating in the project, the Ministry will enhance its capacities and enable better support to SMEs and entrepreneurs. Also, the Ministry will have the opportunity to learn about good practices in the development of second chance entrepreneurial policies and practical solutions for improved entrepreneurial learning and culture in order to avoid the loss of entrepreneurial “potential” and overcome the “stigmatization” of the project aims to shape policymakers. The Ministry will follow-up on the "Trial and Error" Re-Design Transnational Academy to get familiar with the missing skillsets of second-chance entrepreneurs. Pilot action, business re-structuring initiatives will be carefully reviewed by the Ministry in order to draw conclusions to adopt certain policy improvements into the national context. Last but not least, the Ministry will exchange experiences with second-chance entrepreneurs successfully re-entering to the market via Policy Learning Dialogues (in Romania, Serbia and Germany) co-organized with Transnational Policy Coordination Workshop as well as the Transnational Community-building Workshop (in Budapest).By participating in the activities of DanubeChance2.0, the ASP1 partner will assist the LP and PP1 (WP4 leader) in the implementation of second-chance entrepreneurship policy improvements. The ASP1 will participate in the DanubeChance2.0 Opening and Closing conferences, Train the Trainer events, seminars, Transnational Community Building workshops, Policy Learning Dialogue Workshops and Transnational Policy Coordination Workshops and Regional Stakeholder Group meetings and Business Breakfast during the lifetime of the project. ASP1 will contribute to the "Second-chance Entrepreneurship Strategy for the Danube region" as well as will be from the beginning involved in the drafting of the regional Action Plans - building synergies with other regional and national strategies and programmes. This strategic counsel will enable the successful implementation of DanubeChance2.0's activities in all partner countries.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
