
TICBioMed, Tecnologías de la Información de la Región de Murcia (Spain)

TICBioMed is a cooperative cluster of IT companies, Universities, Healthcare providers, and Public Institutions that work together to promote eHealth innovation.

Akronym: TBM

Legally a non-profit private business association, it currently has more than 70 members at a national level. Because of its multiple initiatives and projects, mainly supporting digital health SMEs and startups, it has access to a large network of contacts from the eHealth solution space across Europe. TICBioMed promotes collaborative projects in digital health. It facilitates open-innovation agreements between different eHealth stakeholders and links demand with supply, leveraging its extensive European network that includes SMEs, startups, healthcare organizations, pharma, medtech, big IT, investors, legal and regulatory experts, academia, support organizations and other stakeholders. We promote opportunities through delivering tailored services, participating in European projects and launching our own initiatives.


Edificio CEEIM. Campus de Espinardo, 7
30100 Murcia
