
Carus Consilium Sachsen GmbH (Germany)

Carus Consilium Sachsen initiates, manages and coordinates sustainable concepts to secure and further develop health care.

Carus Consilium Sachsen (CCS) initiates and coordinates sustainable concepts in order to secure and further develop health and care. To foster innovative products and projects for continuous care, CCS is ttaking on a leading position in interconnecting more than 600 relevant quadruple helix actors and stakeholders in Saxony in order to strengthen the development and advancement of products and services in the field of health and care. To accomplish the promotion and support for innovative products, CCS establishes cooperations between hospitals, ambulant doctors, nursing services, rehabilitation facilities, and many more relevant institutions and federations. CCS provides political networking, knowledge transfer, development of sustainability concepts, cocreation, and communication as well as for analytic expertise in the field of health and care. The strong interaction with all partners of the network and the government of Saxony is the basis for the successful work of CCS.

