Kooperationspartner Filter

The University of Graz is one of the largest higher education institutions of Austria and is committed to excellence in research and teaching for the benefit of society.

Highly experienced French university

The University of Groningen is the second oldest and third largest university in the Netherlands. The university offers more than 50 study programmes.

Centre for East Asian Studies

Research centre of the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology in the Social and Economic Sciences Department of the University of Heidelberg (UHEI)

University of Helsinki is a public university located in Finland

Die Bioökonomie Geschäftsstelle unterstützt die Hohenheimer Netzwerkaktivitäten aund führt Projekte zur Weiterentwicklung von Bioökonomie-Lehre und Transfer durch.

University that offers a comprehensive education that combines responsible citizenship, professionalism, and a commitment to the sustainability.

The University of Koblenz-Landau

University of Kragujevac

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