Kooperationspartner Filter

Open Higher Education for Refugees

Die Jacobs Foundation investiert in die Zukunft junger Menschen, damit sie sozial verantwortungsbewusste und produktive Mitglieder der Gesellschaft werden können.

KLIEN funds climate protection and energy projects with a research, mobility and market penetration focus.

Know Centre

K&I is a social research organisation established in 2016.

NPO in Montenegro supporting the knowledge society

Knowledge Media Research Centre

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, founded 1808

Non-governmental and non-profitable organization on education policy and research established in 2000

Ministry with responsibilities in education, science and technology in Kosovo*

KAA – Kosovo Accreditation Agency

Közép - Pannon Regionális Fejlesztési Zrt

Production of new research information and communication of the results of domestic consumer

Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology)

Non-profit corporation implementing its programs in the subregions and Latin-American and EU member states.

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Gesamt: 1530

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