Kooperationspartner Filter

Supporting adult education in Latvia


Lean Management

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development is a non-university research centre in the field of spatial sciences

FVB represents seven research institutes of natural sciences, life sciences and environmental sciences in Berlin.

German economic research institute

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Naturstrom für die Region

Business consultancy based in France

Lithuanian Youth Information and Technical Creativity Centre is the place of a successful combining both traditions and innovations.

Non-profit non governmental organisation

Research Institute for Development

L’Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation et Société

Lithuanian Association of Adult Education

Representative of all 68 Local Councils in Malta and Gozo.


a centre of research and teaching excellence and one of the world's leading university institutions working in the social science disciplines

British University

L&R Sozialforschung, ein außeruniversitäres Institut mit Sitz in Wien, ist seit 1990 in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung aktiv.

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Gesamt: 1525

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