Kooperationspartner Filter

An organisational unit of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education

One of CEI’s objectives is to bring the countries of Central and Eastern Europe closer together and assist them in their preparation process for EU membership.

a graduate-level “crossroads” university

Central Mining Institute

Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family

The Central Teaching Hospital provides a base for teaching and research activities, together with the provision of health services.

Central-Transdanubian Regional and Economic Development Nonprofit Company

CTRIA, is a dominant regional coordinating and bridging organization of national research and development and innovation policy in Central Transdanubia.

Public entity in Algeria supporting the development of renewable energy

Centre d'education et de formation interculturel recontre

French public agency for developing public expertise in the fields of urban planning, regional cohesion and ecological and energy transition

A vibrant learning environment – fostering innovation and creativity, informed by practice, inspired by research, focusing on the globally relevant areas in which we excel.

Centre for Entrepreneurship, business support institution, was founded in March 1997 as an NGO.

Dedicated to Studies and Research-support activities in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)

CERTH, founded in 2000 focuses on climate change, sustainable energy, circulyr economy, artificial intelligence, holistic approaches to healthcare and nutrition among others

One of the three research centres within Brighton Business School (BBS) at the University of Brighton.

G.M. Dobrov Centre for S&T Potential and Science History Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU)

The CDTI fosters technological development and innovation activities of Spanish companies.

Centre d'Étude des Relations entre l'Union Européenne et l'Amérique Latine' (CERCAL.

Providing Value and Social Responsibility

CIHEAM Bari is a Centre for post-graduate training, applied scientific research and design of in loco partnership actions.

Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Copernikus Science Center is located in Warsaw, Poland

CESIE is a European centre of studies and initiatives established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of sociologist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997).

CE.SVI.P. Lombardia società cooperativa

Univerzita Karlova v Praze

Supporting science-industry relationships in Austria

... promote public awareness of science and technology

CIHEAM Bari is a Centre for post-graduate training, applied scientific research and design.

Centro Italiano Opere Femminili Salesiane Formazione Professionale

local government

Local government

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