Kooperationspartner Filter

Association of teachers based in Talin, Estonia


ESU-Services GmbH

New tandem perovskite-silicon or organic PV

Euclid Network established in 2007 is a pan-European network working both within and beyond the EU member states, empowering the network of civil society.

generates and supplies energy from RE sources in Greece.

European Schoolnet is a network of 30 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels, Belgium.

membership of about 130 regional development agencies from across the European Union

EUREKA is an intergovernmental organisation for pan-European research and development funding and coordination.


strategic consultancy, ICT R&D/Deployment

European Academy based in Italy

Hungarian partner on EU policies and communications

European Association for Distance Teaching Universities

CEEIM, the Business Innovation Centre of Murcia (South East of Spain), is working every day in the support, encouragement and promotion of entrepreneurship.

Non-profit non governmental organisation

ECSA has evolved from an informal network of citizen science practitioners to an influential association that supports and advocates for public participation in science.

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

European Distance and E-Learning Network

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a leading Information Technologies service provider and software developer in the field of e-government.

The European Environment Agency is tasked to provide sound, independent information on the environment.

European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate energy and environment policies.

European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless

European Food Information Council

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) is the leading membership association representing public-benefit foundations at European level

project management and cosnulting business development R&D

EUREC is a network that brings together already existing national Research Ethics Committees (RECs) associations, networks or comparable initiatives on the European level.

Ecsite connects, inspires and empowers science engagement organisations

The European Organisation for Rare Diseases

European Parliamentary Research Service

ERRIN is a well-established Brussels-based platform of more than 125 regional stakeholder organisations from 22 European countries

Professional organisation for European School Heads

The European Science Engagement Association, EUSEA, is an international community of public engagement professionals, science festival and science event organizers.

European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance

E4B is London and Brussels based company and is member of RIBN Research Innovation Business Network and European Projects Association (EPA)

EUROSCIENCE is a European non-profit grassroots association.

The expert for strategic technology management.

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