International exchange of experience and good practices to develop skills in local partnership for employment
In 2011, the Territorial Employment Pact was set up in the region of Moravia-Silesia as a first strategic partnership of such kind in the Czech Republic. This pilot Pact explored new ways of partnership cooperation in tackling the issues of employment and economic development in the region but also to provide for a source of information and experience in dissemination of the concept in other regions of the Czech Republic and its mainstreaming into relevant national policies.
The Pact was inspired by experience from many OECD countries. Since 2007 the experts from the region took part in conferences organized by OECD LEED Forum on Partnership and Local Development. This experience and information was transferred to the region and it became clear that this concept could provide for a new and higher level platform for coordinated efforts of local partners in dealing with complex issues of labour market and economic development.
Joint objectives of the transnational partners (Regional Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Rep., Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Austria; Gesellschaft für Innovative Beschäftigungförderung mbh, Germany; COVEPO, Spain):
- Development of transnational partnership between European partners and Czech subjects participated in the Moravian-Silesian Employment Pact;
- Development, innovation, evaluation and dissemination of methodology and procedures for Moravian-Silesian Employment Pact inspired by the best practice solutions in the field of TEPs and partnerships in the EU.
Key project activities:
1) Know-how transfer (study visits of the Czech project team composed of key representatives of the pact at local level in partner countries; preparation of the study visits reports as inputs to Best Practice Guidebook; designing a draft of Guidelines for Territorial Employment Pacts implementation in the NUTS 3 regions of the Czech Republic)
2) Know-how sharing (organizing a mid-conference to present the preliminary conclusions to wide range of actors and to analyse the opportunities for further development of the TEPs concept in the Czech Republic, workshops with key regional stakeholders to develop and validate draft of Guidelines for Territorial Employment Pacts implementation in the NUTS 3 regions of the Czech Republic)
3) Know - how piloting (analysing the existing model of the Employment Pact of Moravia-Silesia in the context of conclusions made; formulating recommedations for further development of the Pact, re - shaping Pact Startegy if necessary; develop Best Practice Guidebook and Guidelines for Territorial Employment Pacts implementation in the NUTS 3 regions of the Czech Republic; conferences to disseminate the project outputs (both regional and national level)
- Dipl.Ing. Jana Machacova (Projektleitung)
- Magª. Berenike Ecker, M.E.S. MSc
- Mag. Wolfgang Michalek
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
- Regional Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region (Coordinator)
Tags: governance, partnership
Typ: Beratung
Programm: Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme 2007-2013, Czech Republic
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Einreichdatum: 09/2011
Laufzeit: 36 Monate
Von/Bis: 04/2012 - 03/2015