Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Evaluation of bilateral Science & Technology Agreements

International S&T Agreements - Evaluation

The Austrian bilateral S&T agreements with diverse countries such as Hungary, Korea, India, or France were assessed along different dimensions, such as:

  • relevance of the agreements for science diplomacy, and for the beneficiaries
  • contirbution of the agreements towards internationalisation objectives
  • satisfaction of the clients with the implementation of the agreements
  • efficiency of the different types of S&T agreements etc.

Employed methods included document analysis, expert interviews (beneficiaries and stakeholders), online questionnaire (beneficiaries), and bibliometric case studies of selected project partnerships funded under bilateral S&T agreements.


Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Verwandte Artikel:

Tags: Austria, evaluation, internationalisation

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Typ: Forschung

Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen

Einreichdatum: 01/2013

Laufzeit: 5 Monate

Von/Bis: 03/2013 - 07/2013