SI-DRIVE extended knowledge about social innovation (SI) in three major directions:
- Integrating theories and research methodologies to advance an understanding of SI, leading to a comprehensive new paradigm of innovation.
- Undertaking European and global mapping of SI, thereby addressing different social, economic, cultural, historical and religious contexts in eight major world regions.
- Ensuring relevance for policy makers and practitioners through in-depth analyses and case studies in seven policy fields, with cross European and world region comparisons, foresight and policy round tables.
SI-DRIVE involved 15 partners from 12 EU Member States and 10 from other parts of the world. The approach, that was adopted carefully, interlinked the research process to both the complexity of the topic and the project workflow. First, cyclical iteration between theory development, methodological improvements, and policy recommendations. Second, two mapping exercises at European and global level. Initial mapping captured basic information of about 1000+ actual social innovations from a wide variety of sources worldwide, leading to a typology of SI (testing the SI perspectives proposed by the BEPA report) and using this to examine the global SI distribution. Subsequent mapping used the typology to focus on well documented SI, leading to the selection of 10 cases each for indepth analysis in the seven SI-DRIVE Policy Fields. Third, these case studies were further analysed, used in stakeholder dialogues in 7 policy field platforms and in analysis of cross-cutting dimensions (e.g. gender, diversity, ICT), carefully taking into account cross-sector relevance (private, public, civil sectors), and future impact.
The outcomes of SI-DRIVE covered a broad range of research dimensions, impacting particularly in terms of changing society and empowerment, and contributing to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
- Magª. Berenike Ecker, M.E.S. MSc (Projektleitung)
- Magª. Pamela Bartar, MAS
- Wolfgang Haider, BA MA
- Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Josef Hochgerner (external Senior Advisor)
- Ingmar Karner
- Mag. Alexander Kesselring
- Magª. Andrea Christiane Mayr
- DI Dr. Anette Scoppetta
- Dr. Johannes Simon
- Lisa Wimmer
- Dr. habil. Ursula Holtgrewe
- Kay Kollmann, BSc.
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
- Applied Research and Communications Fund
- Austrian Institute of Technology
- Brunel University
- Center for research on social innovation, University of Quebec in Montreal
- Centro de Innovación Social, Agencia Nacional para la Superación de la Pobreza Extrema
- European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
- Heliopolis University
- Institut Arbeit und Technik / Institute for Work and Technology, Westfälische Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen
- Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- International Organisation for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development
- Istanbul Teknik Universitesi
- Kazimiero Simonavičiaus Universitetas
- Lama Development and Cooperation Agency
- Ryerson University
- social innovation lab
- Somos más
- The University of Sidney, Australian Centre for Innovation
- The Young Foundation
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto / University of Deusto
- University Danubius Galati
- University of Cape Town
- Zhejiang University
- Technische Universität Dortmund (Coordinator)
Verwandte Artikel:
- News: Wie „funktioniert“ soziale Innovation?
- News: Erfolgreiche Auftaktveranstaltung SI-Drive
- News: DiePresse: Rückkehr nach Österreich ist "mühsam"
- News: "A boost for social innovation" in Brussels: presentation by Anette Scoppetta
- News: First eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Second eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Third eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Fourth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Search for social innovations: Your help is needed!
- Veranstaltung: "Social Innovation 2015: Pathways to Social Change": registration open!
- News: Fifth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Save The Date: „Social Innovation 2015: Pathways to Social Change“
- Publikation: SI-DRIVE report: “Theoretical approaches to Social Innovation – A Critical Literature Review”
- News: Sixth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Konferenz im ZSI-Jubiläumsjahr: »Social Innovation 2015«
- News: Austria Innovativ: Ausblick auf die Konferenz "Social Innovation 2015"
- Veranstaltung: European Researchers’ Night 2015
- News: Seventh eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Eighth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Ninth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Tenth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Eleventh eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Twelfth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: 13th eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: 15th eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: 14th eNewsletter of SI-Drive
- News: Eine neue Ära der sozialen Innovation
- News: Social Innovation – Research and Policy of the Future
- News: 16th eNewsletter of SI-Drive
Tags: diversity, education, employment, foresight, gender, ICT, internationalisation, mapping, poverty, social innovation, theory
Typ: Forschung
Programm: FP7, SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities); large scale Integrated Project
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Einreichdatum: 01/2012
Laufzeit: 48 Monate
Von/Bis: 01/2014 - 12/2017