UrbanData2Decide: Integrated Data Visualisation and Decision Making Solutions to Manage Complex Urban Challenges
Urban decision makers are nowadays faced with both unprecedented challenges as well as new opportunities as the environment around them grows ever more complex. Out of the readily available “sea of information”, unfortunately, some sources potentially important to decision-making, have so far remained largely untapped. The UrbanData2Decide project therefore aimed to extract and process information from two rich sources, namely public social media and open data libraries. This information, combined with advice from expert panels, supported local governments towards a holistic, sustainable and well-founded decision-making process which took into account the views and perspectives of all relevant stakeholders.
The project was structured by five objectives, as summarized below:
1) Elaborate the foundation of an innovative and modern approach toward urban governance by conducting research on relevant visualisation and analytical methods for open and social data, urban decision making approaches and expert advisory systems.
2) Perform comprehensive stakeholder studies by identifying and structuring relevant actors, workflows, information sources, decision routines, best practices and requirements.
3) Model methods and develop intuitive designs for the UrbanDataVisualiser including precise specifications, interfaces to relevant data sources and a multi-layered presentation dashboard.
4) Develop and exemplify new techniques and visualisations for the UrbanDecisionMaker including expert integration specifications, multi-round survey schemes and democratic advisory approaches.
5) Advance and implement a demonstrator with a flexible and scalable system architecture and interactive modules to run a proof of concept and final validation tests by end users.
- Dr. Christian Voigt (Projektleitung)
- MSc Susanne Dobner
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
- SYNYO GmbH (Coordinator)
- IT University of Copenhagen
- Malmö University
- Open Data Institute
- University of Oxford
Verwandte Artikel:
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Joint Programming Initiative
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Von/Bis: 09/2014 - 10/2016
Laufzeit: 26 Monate
Webseite: http://urbandata2decide.eu/