ISF Communication Activities for International Cooperation
The overall objectives of this contract was to raise international awareness of European research and innovation, in particular about Horizon 2020, and to stimulate international cooperation in research and innovation.
Fostering international collaboration in research and innovation corresponds well with the objectives of EU international cooperation activities, i.e. strengthening EU excellence and attractiveness in R&I and its economic competitiveness, tackling global societal challenges and supporting the EU external policies. The EU is engaged with countries and regions across the globe in order to tackle global challenges. International cooperation with partners outside Europe was thus needed to effectively address many of Horizon 2020´s specific objectives, in particular those relating to international commitments.
The contract was structured along three core activities which were strongly interconnected:
- Activity 1: The production and dissemination of materials on EU International R&I Cooperation and on Horizon 2020 Open to the World
- This served as a basis for content and practical use in the other two activities
- Activity 2: Communication about Horizon 2020, the organisation of events to inform potential participants about the programme
- builds upon and develops the content to serve as training material for an online as well as on-site training framework
- Activity 3: Setting up an awareness raising campagin about EU Research and Innovation
- brought together the work of the other two activities, and combined the three activities into an overarching international awareness campaign. Activity 3 also included the global monitoring and evaluation of this integrated approach.
ZSI, as a partner in the contracting team was the lead of the activity 1 and activity 3:
- Promotional and Information Material on the EU International R&I Cooperation and on Horizon 2020
- Awareness Raising Campaign on EU Research and Innovation
- Magª (FH) Isabella E. Wagner, MA (Projektleitung)
- Dr. Anais Angelo
- Mag.ª Carmen Heidenwolf, BA
- Magª. Elisabeth Koller
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch
- Michael Wilkinson, MA
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
- Agency for the Promotion of European Research
- Centre for Regional and International STI Studies and Support - CeRISS
- Intrasoft International SA
- Project Management Agency at the DLR (German Aerospace Center)
- Scholz & Friends
- Technopolis Group
Verwandte Artikel:
- Projekt: Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation
- Veranstaltung: Horizon 2020 Training events in the Western Balkan Countries
- Projekt: ISF - Foresight study on Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans
Tags: international cooperation, internationalisation, science communication
Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: Service Facility for International Cooperation | Horizon 2020
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Laufzeit: 31 Monate
Von/Bis: 07/2017 - 01/2020