Danube Chance 2.0
Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region
DanubeChance2.0 delivers innovative policy designs and gives formerly bankrupt entrepreneurs a second chance in the Danube region. In Europe, 200,000 businesses face insolvency every year, resulting in 1.7 million jobs lost.In the Danube region, the number of business failures rose by 3.6 per cent last year. Even though only 4-6% of bankruptcies are fraudulent, public opinion makes a strong link between business failure and fraud. Many honest entrepreneurs whose businesses have gone bankrupt feel discouraged to re-start due to the stigma and difficulties or discrimination faced after a bankruptcy.
Acting as a policy driver, DanubeChance2.0 brings together a multi-disciplinary quadruple-helix partnership of 12 partners and 5 ASPs to create the first "Second-chance Entrepreneurship Strategy for the Danube region". DanubeChance2.0 aims to facilitate improved policy learning between: policymakers and government agencies; research institutes and universities; financially distressed enterprises currently involved in insolvency procedures, or entrepreneurs who have already gone bankrupt but are ready for a fresh re-start; business accelerators; and the public.
The project provides a path for more legitimate entrepreneurs whose first businesses have failed to re-enter the market through delivering 130 hours of "blended" learning experiences at the ”’Trial and Error‘ Re-Design Transnational Academy”,and the launch of the first "Business Re-Structuring Initiative", which provides business acceleration support for approximately 60 legitimate entrepreneurs whose first projects failed. A Second-chance Entrepreneurial Transnational Community Pool of Experts provides mentoring to second-chance entrepreneurs beyond the lifetime of the project.
Project co-funded by European Union Funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI), total ZSI amount: 180.800€ out of which 85% are covered by the ERDF which amounts at: 153.680€
- Drin. Barbara Glinsner, MSc (Projektleitung)
- Wolfgang Haider, BA MA
- Alexandra Krammer
- Magª. Andrea Christiane Mayr
- Mag. Wolfgang Michalek
- Katharina Koller, BSc BA MSc
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
- Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat
- Centre for Entrepreneurship Osijek
- EURADA Association Europeenne des Agences de Developpement
- Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Researches of NASU
- Ministry for Industry, Energy and Mining of Republic of Srpska
- Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia
- Moldovan Ministry of Economy
- Organization for Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Development
- Pannon Business Network Association
- Pomurski Technology Park
- Republic Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprise
- Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Steinbeis Innovations GmbH
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Union of Slovak Clusters
- IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry (Coordinator)
Verwandte Artikel:
- News: Research meets Business – Breakfast hosted at ZSI
- News: Danube Chance 2.0 – Aus Fehlern lernen
- News: Mutual Learning on second-chance entrepreneurship policies in Vienna
- Veranstaltung: DanubeChance2.0 - Webinar "Basiswissen: Insolvenzverfahren"
- News: How to support second-chance entrepreneurs?
- News: Aus Krisen lernen - Mentoringangebot für Unternehmer_innen
- News: DanubeChance2.0: Business Incubation - New Video released
- News: DanubeChance2.0 to be prolonged
- News: DanubeChance2.0 - "Second-chance business re-structuring initiative"
- News: Supporting (second-chance) entrepreneurs
Tags: Danube Region, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, Southeast Europe
Typ: Beratung
Programm: Interreg - Danube Transnational Programme
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Laufzeit: 36 Monate
Von/Bis: 07/2018 - 06/2021