Assessment of the "Social Crowdfunding" pilot
In 2018, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has launched the programme Impact Innovation with the aim to broaden the innovation potential, to fund projects that tackle new and relevant challenges and to attract organisations, that have not applied for FFG funding so far. The programme has been sucessful in attracting the applications of social entreprises that want to solve societal challenges. However, those organisations often do not dispose of enough equity to co-finance the grants they receive. To solve this issue, the FFG piloted the "Social Crowdfunding" line within the Impact Innovation programme. The pilot aims at supporting social enterprises in raising additional funds through a crowdfunding campaign. The FFG supports the social enterprises in realising their campaigns.
ZSI has been commissioned to assess the process and the impact of the crowdfunding campaigns for the social enterprises. Additionally, ZSI investigates how attractive the Impact Innovation programme and crowdfunding are for social enterprises in Austria.
- Drin. Barbara Glinsner, MSc (Projektleitung)
- Tatjana Neuhuber, MMSc
- Mag.a Irina Vana
- Katharina Koller, BSc BA MSc
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
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Typ: Beratung
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Laufzeit: 5 Monate
Von/Bis: 05/2021 - 09/2021