ReConnect China
Generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens
Project Abstract: In the modern geopolitical world, the EU and China stand in a constant dynamic relation with each other. The question in which domains EU collaboration with China is desirable, possible, or impossible is therefore the central focus of ReConnect China. To answer this question, this project identifies Science & Technology, Economy & Trade, Domestic Governance, and Foreign Policy as four key fields on which the EU should upgrade its independent knowledge. To that aim, it will develop a database which will provide access to new sources of information. The independent knowledge generated in this project will bring together stakeholders and experts in a Europe-China Knowledge Forum and raise awareness on China among the general public and youth. In this way, leading scientific European expertise and innovative digital technologies are mobilized to generate a deeper, sustainable understanding of contemporary China, and work towards a resilient future with China for the EU and its citizens.
The project consortium brings together 15 partners from across Europe: Six universities (University of Ghent, University of Tartu, University of Turku, University of Groningen, University of Vienna and University of Olomouc), six think tanks (Egmont Institute, Clingendael Institute, Istituto Affari Internazionali, French Institute of International Relations, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Elcano Royal Institute), one research institute (ZSI), one state agency (Innovation Norway) and one public institute under governmental administration (Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre). ReConnect China is coordinated by the University of Ghent, Belgium.
ReConnect China has the following six objectives:
- Providing an independent understanding of China and its overall defining social, cultural, political and economic characteristics
- Identifying the EU’s own needs and strengths within new global narratives on China
- Developing a database of online public sources which enables day-to-day insights into policies, narratives, and public discourses in China
- Mainstreaming knowledge on China within the EU and creating new connections and synergies between intra-European China knowledge nodes
- Improving the European capacity to bring forward coherent and fact-based policy-making
- Enhancing the visibility of our independent expertise and making it available to external actors
- Mag. Philipp Brugner, BA, cPM (Projektleitung)
- M.A. Gábor Szüdi, PhD (Projektleitung)
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
- CCCM - Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre
- Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of International Relations
- Elcano Royal Institute
- IFRI - French Institute of International Relations
- Innovation Norway
- Institut Royal des Relations Internationales
- International Affairs Institute
- UI - Swedish Institute of International Affairs
- Universität Wien
- University of Groningen
- University of Olomouc
- University of Tartu
- University of Turku
- Universiteit Gent (Coordinator)
Verwandte Artikel:
- News: ZSI joins a new European research action on China
- News: Discussing the next four years of China research
- News: The European research cluster on China met in Brussels
- News: Science Business on building China research capacity
- News: Research from ReConnect China at the EU-SPRI 2023 conference
- News: The EU's scientific cooperation with China on emerging technologies
- News: Visit of the Evaluation Research Centre of Chinese Academy of Sciences to ZSI
- News: New policy briefs draw recommendations on EU-China STI cooperation
- Veranstaltung: Online Meeting: European Network for Academic and Scientific Exchange with China (ENASEC)
- News: New ReConnect China Podcast on EU-China STI cooperation in digital technologies
- News: First ReConnect China podcast online
- News: ReConnect China marks one-year milestone and hosts public roundtable in Vienna
- News: ZSI-Forscher im Interview mit der Presse zu Forschungskooperation mit China
- News: 2024 begins with the first ReConnect China MOOCs
- News: ZSI-Studie zu Kooperation zwischen Europa und China in den Medien
- Veranstaltung: Coimbra Group Conference: European universities' collaboration with China
- Veranstaltung: CHERN Webinar on EU-China cooperation in science, technology and innovation
- News: From science diplomacy to research security: Preparing COST actions
- News: Start of the ReConnect China school visits in September
- News: Schwerpunkt „Wissenschaftsspionage“ - APA-Science
- News: Knowledge and awareness about research security with China
- News: ScienceIBusiness über Forschungssicherheit in Österreich
- News: ReConnect China Schulbesuche: Start in Wien
- News: Tartu hosted the first Europe-China Knowledge Forum
- News: Podcast time: Research security in research cooperation with China
- Veranstaltung: 2025 MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly
Tags: China, international cooperation, research and innovation policy
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Europe-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS
Projekt Status: In Durchführung
Einreichdatum: 10/2021
Laufzeit: 48 Monate
Von/Bis: 11/2022 - 10/2026