Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology
The ambition of the project is to demonstrate innovative resilient solutions for water/air/land climate change issues and promote the sustainable upscale of these new solutions towards end-users for increased regional resilience towards climate change, resulting in increases in public and private green investments, reduction of regional climate protection gaps and, ultimately, social benefits (reduced number of climate change related deaths, improvements in quality of life) and economic growth. More specifically, RESIST will implement 4 large-scale demonstrators (including 1 in a less developed region) of resilient innovations for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) at air, water and soil level with quintuple-helix partnerships, and promote transfer of know-how and innovative solutions to 8 twin regions (of which 4 less developed regions) through both physical mutual-learning activities and innovative immersive digital twins.
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
- SINTEF (Coordinator)
- Aarhus University
- ACCENT SUD Association
- adelphi Research & Consulting for Sustainability & Climate
- Andfjord Salmon AS
- Augment City AS
- BLC3 Association - Technology and Innovation Campus
- Blekinge Institute of Technology
- Blekinge Regional Council
- CEDES - Association for Sustainable Development
- Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement
- City of Turku
- Democritus University of Thrace
- Enora Innovation
- European Regions Research and Innovation Network
- FastTrack Ventures
- Fondation Europeenne de la Science
- ForestWISE Collaborative Laboratory for the Integrated Management of Forests and Fire
- Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions
- Inovamais
- Institute for Research and Technological Development in Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability
- Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- MédioTejo21
- Ministry of Home Affairs of Catalonia
- Municipality of Blanes
- Municipality of Terrassa
- Museum Nord
- Natural Resources Institute Finland
- Niras A/S
- Odesa I. I. Mechnykov National University
- Office français de la biodiversité
- Open University of Catalonia
- Polytechnic Institute Of Portalegre
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia
- Puglia Regional Council
- Region Midtjylland
- Région Normandie
- Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
- Startup Europe Regions Network
- The Danish Nature Agency
- The Foundation FUNDECYT Scientific and Technological Park of Extremadura
- The Regional Council of Southwest Finland
- Turku University of Applied Sciences
- University of Extremadura
- University of Turku
- Vesterålen Regional Council
- VIA University College
- Zemgale Planning Region
Verwandte Artikel:
- Veranstaltung: Social innovation in Horizon Europe
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Innovation Action
Projekt Status: In Durchführung
Laufzeit: 60 Monate
Von/Bis: 01/2023 - 12/2027