Arbeit & Chancengleichheit

SI plus

Social Innovation plus - National Competence Centres

Transnational exchange between the partner countries as a catalyst for knowledge transfer of social innovation.

In view of existing crisis situations and the associated social challenges, there is grow-ing interest in the concept of Social Innovation. New ideas, models and measures for processes that contribute to solving social problems, as well as participation and coop-eration, are central to social innovation. The European Social Fund plus has long been a driving force behind social innovation and the current programmes of the participating countries (Austria, Hungary, Latvia, Malta and Slovakia) have a dedicated priority to the topic of social innovation and experiments in their programmes. The overall objectives of SI plus are to constitute a deeper understanding of the differ-ent social, political and economic conditions for social innovation, to identify the condi-tions for the establishment of regional and national networks and the exchange of ideas for new methods and approaches for establishing and transferring social innovation practices. The goal of activities focused on social innovation is to find new solutions to problems for improving working conditions, education, community development, active inclusion, or solutions to critical problems such as poverty, discrimination or inequality in green transitions. Public sector, scientific community, civil society institutions as well as private companies and social enterprises play a crucial role in the implementation of Social Innovation, but to varying degrees and depending on the respective national contexts and with different thematic focuses. The consortium exists of a quite diverse variety of countries (Austria, Hungary, Latvia, Malta and Slovakia). By acknowledging and under-standing the diversity within each country, social innovation initiatives can be tailored to address specific challenges and leverage unique strengths, fostering a more inclusive and effective approach to societal issues.

This transnational exchange between the partner countries serves as a catalyst for knowledge transfer of social innovation, methods, resources and approaches between the participating institutions. ZSI is responsible for transnational capacity building for impact measurement (WP13) and for strengthening the transferability and scaling of social innovation (WP14).


Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit


Tags: ESF, Europe, social inclusion, social innovation

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Typ: Netzwerk

Programm: ESF+

Projekt Status: In Durchführung

Laufzeit: 36 Monate

Von/Bis: 06/2024 - 05/2027