Transnational Governance for an Inclusive Society
Presentation, ISA (International Sociological Association) - World Cngress of Sociology, Durban (Republic of South Africa), July 23 - 29, 2006.
A "world sociology" should aim to better understand, research and explain the distinct societal impact of "individual" vs. "collective" mobility in varieties of societies, and in central or peripheric regions. Analysis highlights recent developments related to EU-enlargement, the issue of the European Constitution, and the potential of Europe to make an impact on globalisation.
AutorInnen: Hochgerner (external Senior Advisor), J.
Entstanden im Zusammenhang mit folgender Veranstaltung: The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalising World
Tags: globalisation, governance, social innovation
Kategorie: Vorträge
Publikations Datum: 2006
Bezug: Online (download)