Adapting to Changing Landscapes in Education
Fiedler, S., Kieslinger, B.(2006): Adapting to Changing Landscapes in Education. Proceedings of Microlearning 2006, Innsbruck, Austria, June 8-9 2006
While we are currently witnessing the renaissance of Tim Berners-Lee's original vision for a Two-Way-Web, many institutions in higher education still develop and maintain landscapes of tools and services that largely ignore the ongoing power-shift towards the individual. This paper argues that these institutional landscapes need to be reorganised and changed into "augmented landscapes", in which the application of individually selected and maintained, multi-purpose tools and services becomes possible. Some implications for individuals and institutions in higher education are discussed.
AutorInnen: Fiedler, S., Kieslinger, B.
Kategorie: Proceedings
Publikations Datum: 2006-06
Preis: kostenlos -
Bezug: Online (download)