
Social Innovation. Broadening the Innovation Paradigm

Idea > intervention > implementation & types of social innovations

Bereich: Management & projektübergreifende Tätigkeiten


*Capacity Building on Social Innovation Research and Management in South-East Europe*,

Pre-conference event to ICEIRD 2011 (‘4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development') in Ohrid, Macedonia.

Josef Hochgerner gave the first presentation of the workshop and provided an introduction to “Social Innovation and the need for future broadening of the Innovation Paradigm”. The main focus of the presentation was to explain the generic concept of innovation, by identifying the existing and shifting variety of innovations taking place throughout society and the possible contribution that social innovation can make in working through global dilemmas. By emphasizing the importance of encouraging innovation, Dr. Hochgerner explained the route of innovations that occur in all sectors of society (private, public, civil society), and the three essential stages that comprises the innovation life cycle; the 3-i concept: idea generation, idea intervention and idea implementation. The need to exploit the potential of knowledge was also addressed as an increasingly important ‘strategic resource’ and as one of the essential preconditions for staying afloat within the context of the highly competitive, global and knowledge based economy.As equally important, Prof. Hochgerner, addressed the main features of “Management of abundance”, and the need to stop and reverse financialisation.[1]

[1]Financialization is defined as a ‘pattern of accumulation in which profit making occurs increasingly through financial channels rather than through trade and commodity production’.


AutorInnen: Hochgerner (external Senior Advisor), J.


Tags: innovation paradigm, social innovation

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Kategorie: Vorträge

Publikations Datum: 2011

Bezug: Online (download)