
The Long Road from Awareness to Systematic Research and Funding of Social Innovations

New Release by Springer publishing house - edition in English

Bereich: Institut

in: Sabina Jeschke, Ingrid Isenhardt, Frank Hees, Sven Trantow (ed.), Enabling Innovation. Innovative Capability – German and International Views. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer. (232-

The capability to innovate in an on-going manner is emerging as a decisive key factor in today's world of business and work. The ability to stay competitive is becoming identical with the ability to innovate. This book originated from the research and development project “International Monitoring” and outlines the topic of innovative capability from a practice-oriented angle. Contributions of German and international experts offer an enlightening glimpse behind the scenes of innovations. The central issue is not the description of features of successful innovation processes or how innovations can be efficiently controlled and managed, but under which conditions they can emerge in the first place. In what way can individuals, organizations, networks and societies be enabled to continuously induce innovations?

  • Gebundene Ausgabe: 486 Seiten
  • Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; Auflage: 2011 (9. Oktober 2011)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 3642245021
  • ISBN-13: 978-3642245022

AutorInnen: Josef Hochgerner

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Kategorie: Buchbeiträge

Publikations Datum: 2011

Preis: EUR 149,75 (unverbindliche Preisempfehlung)

Bezug: Nur Buchhandel