
Evaluating Publicly Co-funded RTDI Programmes – Preliminary Benchmarks and Conclusions

This paper shares conclusions drawn and insights gained from the evaluation of the cross-border RTDI programme CIR-CE

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

The evaluation design presented in this short paper allows drawing evidence-based conclusions on the management of network and innovation projects implemented under the CIR-CE programme: the development of customer-vendor relations, the development of science-industry relations, the development of internationalisation processes, and the sustainability of publicly co-funded innovation networks. In this context, however, only the results in terms of development of science-industry relations and development of internationalisation processes are highlighted. A short outlook on the sustainability of the networks is provided too.

This article can be found in the fteval newsletter, issue 35 (published on 2010-03-01).

AutorInnen: Dall, E., Lampert, D., Schuch, K.


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Tags: Eastern Europe, evaluation, internationalisation, RTDI cooperation, Southeast Europe

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Kategorie: Online

Publikations Datum: 2010-03-01

Bezug: Online (download)