Article on ERA.Net RUS foresight published
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
The ZSI is coordinating a foresight study on EU-Russian S&T cooperation in the perspective up to the year 2020. The foresight is implemented in the frame of the FP7 funded ERA.Net RUS project. A short article on this foresight study was published in the December edition of "Baltic Rim Economies" (2011/5), a quarterly review edited by the Pan-European Institute of the University of Turku/Finland.
Article: Vicente Carabias, Karel Haegeman, Alexander Sokolov, Manfred Spiesberger, Klaus Schuch, and Irina R. Kuklina: Foresight for EU-Russia S&T and innovation cooperation
Link to the journal:
AutorInnen: Spiesberger, M.
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Kategorie: Online
Publikations Datum: 2011
Bezug: Online (download)