A bibliometric study of research activity in ASEAN related to the EU in FP7 priority areas
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Two relevant recent developments in the area of science and technology (S&T) and related policy-making motivate this article: first, bibliometric data on a specific research area’s performance becomes an increasingly relevant source for S&T policy-making and evaluation. This trend is embedded in wider discussions on evidence-based policy-making. Secondly, the scientific output of Southeast Asian countries is rising, as is the number of international research collaborations with the second area of our interest: Europe. Against this background, we employ basic bibliometric methodology in order to draw a picture of Southeast Asian research strengths as well the amount and focus of S&T cooperation between the countries in Southeast Asia and the European Union. The results can prove useful for an interested public as well as for the scientific community and science, technology and innovation policy-making.
AutorInnen: Blasy, C., Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Peter Haddawy Saeed-UL Hassan
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Kategorie: Online
Publikations Datum: 2012
Bezug: Online (download)