
INCO-NET EECA White Paper on STI Cooperation

The White Paper provides a knowledge base on STI-policies in the EU, European Neighbourhood and Central Asia

Bereich: Management & projektübergreifende Tätigkeiten

Sonnenburg, J., Bonas, G. and Schuch, K. (eds) (2012)

White Paper on opportunities and challenges in view of enhancing the EU cooperation with Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus in Science, Research and Innovation.

Prepared under the FP7 INCO-NET EECA Project.

International Centre for the Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), Athens

ISBN: 978-960-6885-22-8

AutorInnen: Schuch, K., Sonnenburg, Jörn; Bonas, George (eds.)


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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2012

Bezug: Nur Buchhandel