Final roadmap and recommendations for nano-health, nano-water & nano-energy deployment for societal challenges in Latin American Countries
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
This roadmap shows a way forward for initiatives stimulating research, development and innovation of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in Latin America (LA).
Bibliometric study, literature review and stakeholder engagement during workshops, summerschools and interviews reveal wide disparities be-tween countries and many weaknesses in the current higher education, re-search, development and innovation system in most countries in LA.
AutorInnen: Lindorfer, M., Ineke Malsch, MTV Maria Lima Toivanen, VTT
Verwandte Artikel:
Tags: Latin America, nanotechnology
Kategorie: Projekt Outputs
Publikations Datum: 2015
Bezug: Online (download)