
Techno-Globalization and Innovation

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Schuch, K. (2017): Techno-Globalization and Innovation. In Springer: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, edited by Carayannis, Elias G., DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_336-2,

Techno-globalization denotes a global pervasion in generating technological knowledge and exploiting innovations with a technological content. It also claims that globalization has been shaped and advanced with the help of technology. With regard to research and development (here R&D) and innovation, the term in its most modest use is shorthand for the fact that generation, transmission, and diffusion of technologies are increasingly international in scope.

The article includes the following sections:

  • Background and Drivers of Techno-Globalization
  • Internationalization of Business R&D
  • Internationalization of Science and Technology Policy
  • Further Aspects: Subglobal S&T Integration, Technological and Industrial Standards, and R&D Internationalization Indicators
  • Conclusions and Future Directions

​The Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (CI2E) is a three-volume electronic and print reference that uniquely covers the broad spectrum of topics relating to the process of creativity and innovation, from a wide variety of perspectives (e.g., economics, management, psychology, anthropology, policy, technology, education, the arts) and modes (individual, organization, industry, nation, region). The resource is comprised of some 300 topical entries, definitions of key terms and concepts, and review essays, from a global array of more than 250 researchers, business executives, policymakers, and artists, illuminating the many facets of creativity and innovation, and highlighting their relationships to such universal concepts as knowledge management, economic opportunity, and sustainability. Entries feature description of key concepts and definition of terms, full-color illustrations, case examples, future directions for research and application, synonyms and cross-references, and bibliographic references.

Suggested citation:

Schuch K. (2017) Techno-Globalization and Innovation. In: Carayannis E. (eds) Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Springer, New York, NY.

AutorInnen: Schuch, K.


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Kategorie: Buchbeiträge

Publikations Datum: 2017

Bezug: Online (download)