The effects of a case management approach on the early school leaving rate of 14-17 year olds: A randomised control trial of efficacy
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
This report provides an overview of the results of the impact analysis of the Jump@School intervention for each of the four schools involved in the experimentation on an individual basis. As the experiment in Spain was carried out twice, the results of both cohorts are also presented separately for the soft questionnaire (self-assessment questionnaire). As for the hard facts, (GPA and absences) the results for the first cohort are presented in detail. Due to the small sample size of the second cohort (see Overview of participants in the annexes below), the multi-level analyses could not be carried out for this group alone. As a result in some analyses the participants of the second cohort in Spain were added to the first cohort. Otherwise, only descriptive analyses are available for this group.
The GPAs for all the students selected to be in the second cohort in Spain except for one student whose gpa3 and gpa4 were missing, were available and used in the different analyses as described above.
For the analysis carried out using the soft questionnaire items, data from the following number of participants as represented in the graph below were used (per-protocol analysis).
For the analyses using the hard facts for the first cohort, all participants with the required grade point averages for the analysis e.g. gpa1 and gpa2 or gpa2 and gpa3 etc. were included in the analyses in the original groups to which they were initially assigned regardless of whether they took part in the intervention or not (this is the so-called intention-to-treat analysis).
AutorInnen: Gächter, A., Tschank, J.
Verwandte Artikel:
- Projekt: Jump@School
- News: In or out?
Kategorie: Projektberichte
Publikations Datum: 2017
Bezug: Online (download)