
Considerations for the Use of AI Tools at the Centre for Social Innovation

Bereich: Institut

This document was developed in the context of a working group on artificial intelligence, following the release of ChatGPT-4 in spring 2023 and the subsequent proliferation of Generative AI systems as tools for text-based tasks. 

The goal of the document is to inform ZSI staff on key aspects relating to the use of AI for work at ZSI, including relevant terms and concepts, legal and regulatory frameworks, and a range of considerations for a responsible and effective use of AI. Moreover, it puts forward a course of action for ZSI in how to integrate AI tools effectively and responsibly in the future. The document closes with an initial set of potential use cases that could serve as a basis for a growing collaborative collection to guide ZSI staff in their work with AI.

Since the technological possibilities and regulatory framework surrounding AI is very much in flux at the point of the publication of this document (July 2024), it must be seen as preliminary. ZSI is committed to continuing its active and critical engagement with new and developing technologies to integrate them in a responsible manner into its workflows.

Cite the publication: de Pagter, S., Schuerz, S., & Lampert, D. (2024). Considerations for the Use of AI Tools at the Centre for Social Innovation. fteval.

AutorInnen: de Pagter, J., Lampert, D., Schuerz, S.


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Kategorie: Discussion Papers

Publikations Datum: 2024-07

Bezug: Online (download)