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Im Auftrag des BMaA hat das ZSI einen Vorschlag für "Bildungssektorprogramme für Albanien, Kosovo und die Republik Mazedonien (FYROM)" erarbeitet. Die Studie dient als Input für die weitere Programmierungstätigkeit des Schwerpunkts "Bildung" im Rahme
Die AEI - Agentur für europäische Integration und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung sucht eine/n Projektmanager/in im Bereich Hochschulreform, Wissenschaft und Innovation für den Kosovo im Auftrag der ADA sowie des kosovarischen und des österreichischen Bi
2nd Call for proposals of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Ljubljana and Sofia for projects in Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, the public higher education institutions in Kosovo and South Eastern Europe (In the f
The project ICT- KOSEU supported Kosovo to obtain financing for research and development projects in the area of ICT. The project ICT- KOSEU – SUPPORTING DIALOGUE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN EUROPE AND KOSOVO IN COLLABORATIVE ICT R&D – supported Kos
99% Englisch Social sciences in Kosovo News 24. Okt 2014
New book published containing social scientific articles from the ESSIe project The EU funded project "Enhancing Social Scientific Research in Kosovo and its Integration into the European Research Area" (ESSIe) published a book titled "Social Scienti
With support of the HERAS project, Kosovo is currently setting up a NCP system for Horizon 2020 HERAS - Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo is a project funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funds from the Austrian
Submit your proposal now! HERAS Call for Proposals The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) in Vienna and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) of Kosovo launch together a call for scientific networking and project cooperation bet
Helmut Gassler, senior researcher at ZSI, advices Kosovo on identifying feasible innovation support schemes On 20 September 2018, the HERAS project, which is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, organised in cooperation with the Kosovan Mi
98% Englisch European Commission Liaison Office to Kosovo Kooperationspartner 7. Sep 2012
Under UNSCR 1244/99 EC Liaison Office to Kosovo Kosovo Street 1 Pristina Kosovo
Support provided to the Austrian Development Cooperation in preparing tender documents and in providing assistance during the tender procedure. ZSI has been commissioned to assist ADA (Austrian Development Agency) in preparing the tender documents f
HERAS Enhancing the Research and Higher Education (Systems) of Kosovo General Objective The project contributes to the well-functioning of Higher Education and Research in Kosovo along the principles of the European Research Area (ERA) and the Eur
98% Englisch Kosovo Accreditation Agency Kooperationspartner 6. Feb 2013
KAA – Kosovo Accreditation Agency The KAA was established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) in 2008. Being a public body the KAA is in charge of the accreditation of all higher education institutions in Kosovo that offer or
Project monitoring in Kosovo The project consisted of the following main tasks: scientific advisory in the context of developping a research and innovation system in Kosovo thematic support in identifying additional experts professional sup
Internationales Mentorshipprogramm Im Rahmen des von der Europäischen Kommission in Prishtina geförderten Projekts "ESSIe - Enhancing Social Scientific Research in Kosovo and its Integration into the European Research Area", beherbergt und mento
ESSIe Winter School successfully implemented Almost 40 scholars from Kosovo participated in the first of three ESSIe training weeks held at the University of Prishtina (UP). Almost half of the participants were from the UP, a few participants were
Projektmonitoring im Kosovo Das Projekt beinhaltete die folgenden Aufgaben: wissenschaftlich-technische Beratung in Zusammenhang mit dem Aufbau eines kosovarischen Forschungs- und Innovationssystems fachlich-inhaltliche Mitwirkung bei der Id
Workshop on promotion of the regulation on innovation voucher On 24 April 2019, the project HERAS  organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Educations, Science and Technology a workshop in Prishtina to promote the recently developed regulat
STIKK STIKK Pristina Kosovo
Monitoring in Kosovo ZSI was responsible for the monitoring of the project "Implementation of the new University Statute of the University of Prishtina and accompanying framework conditions of the Kosovar University Law", which was carried out by WOE
95% Deutsch Bildungssektorprogramm Kosovo Projekt 4. Mai 2005
Unterstützung der österreichischen Ostzusammenarbeit Programmierung eines Bildungssektorprogramms für den Kosovo (2003-2006) als Entscheidungshilfe für die Identifikation unterstützenswerter Projekte und Initiativen im Rahmen der österreichischen Os
95% Englisch Education sector program Kosovo Projekt 23. Apr 2018
Support for Austrian cooperation with the East The project dealt with programming of an education sector program for Kosovo (2003-2006) as a decision-making aid for the identification of projects worth supporting and initiatives within the framework
Monitoring in Südosteuropa ZSI war verantwortlich für das Monitoring der Projekte "Unterstützung der Höheren Bildung in Serbien und Montenegro, Kosovo und Bosnien-Herzegowina". Die Projektaktivitäten wurden von WUS Austria und den jeweiligen Regiona
Monitoring in Southeastern Europe ZSI was responsible for monitoring the projects "Supporting Higher Education in Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina". The project activities were implemented by WUS Austria and its regional offices.
Höhere Bildung in Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kosovo und Mazedonien. Eine Herausforderung für die Österreichische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.In Daxner, M., Jordan, P., Leifer, P., Roth, K. und Vyslonzil, E. (2005): Bilanz Balkan. Verlag für Geschi
Dukagjin Pupovci from the Kosova Education Center (KEC) in Prishtina will hold a public guest lecture with the title „Higher Education in Kosovo" at the ZSI.Time: Friday, March 18, 2008, 13.00 – 14.00hLocation: ZSI, 1150 Wien, Linke Wienzeile 246 (ht
Dukagjin Pupovci vom „Kosova Education Center" (KEC) in Prishtina wird einen öffentlichen Gastvortrag zum Thema „Higher Education in Kosovo" halten.Zeit: Dienstag, 18. März 2008, 13 – 14 UhrOrt: ZSI, 1150 Wien, Linke Wienzeile 246 –
The National Research Programme of the Republic of Kosovo has been approved by the National Research Council of Kosovo. It is open for public debate. Comments and suggestions should be sent by 15 March 2010 to the e-mail address kks&#x
82% Englisch Science and Technology in Kosovo/UNMIK Publikation 27. Aug 2008
Science and Technology in Kosovo/UNMIK Schuch, K. (2008): Science and Technology in Kosovo/UNMIK. In: Dall, E. (ed.): Science and Technology in the Western Balkans. Reports of the Information office of the Steering Platform on Research for Western
NCP system for H2020 supported by HERAS project in place, says European Commission The European Commission's progress report on Kosovo* 2019 mentions as a positive not, the improvement of the NCP system for H2020 which is directly linked with th
Monitoring von Projekten in Südosteuropa Folgende Projektaktivitäten wurden von der WUS Austria und den jeweiligen Regionalbüros durchgeführt (weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der WUS Austria Website 1. CDP + war eine We
Monitoring of projects in South East Europe   The following project activities have been implemented by WUS Austria and the respective regional offices ( further information is available from the WUS Austria website 1
Focus on... Presentation at the "2. Österreichisches Osteuropa-Forum" organised by the Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut in Vienna (Austria) on 26 March 2004 Mayr, Andrea; Schuch, Klaus Presentations 2. Österreichisches Osteuropa-F
Evaluation of the Higher KOS Project On behalf of the "Higher KOS" consortium, Centre for Social Innovation is launching a call for tender for an external evaluation of the project "Higher KOS - Promoting Institutional Development in Higher Education
The call for proposals is open from 25/11/2020 to 25/02/2021 The ZSI and the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Kosovo launch together a call for scientific networking and project cooperation between researchers from public universities and u
69% Englisch HERAS Call for Proposals open News 4. Apr 2017
The calls for proposal is open from 21/04/2017 to 14/07/2017 The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) in Vienna and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) of Kosovo launch together a call for scientific networking and project cooperat
Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, Kosovo and the Western Balkan Region   Call for proposals for projects in Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, Kosovo and the Western Balkan Region (In the framew
69% Deutsch Social innovation and the EU policy initiatives Publikation 30. Mär 2017
wiiw Monthly Report No. 3/2017: Social innovation and the EU policy initiatives  Suggested citation: 'How to use EU funds earmarked for fostering cohesion more efficiently?', Monthly Report No. 3/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, Marc
69% Englisch Call for applications News 15. Okt 2012
Research Training Programme for Kosovan Researchers in International Social Scientific Research Qualifications Enhancing Social Scientific Research in Kosovo and its integration into the European Research Area (ESSIe) is a European Union funde
69% Englisch Science and Technology Country Report Serbia Publikation 19. Mai 2015
Suggested citation: Dall, Elke and Maruska Bracic (2006): Science and Technology Country Report Serbia. Deliverable for Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries. Available from:
Suggested citation: Dall, Elke and Jana Machacova (2007): Thematic Report on Innovation Infrastructures in the Western Balkan Countries. Deliverable for Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries. Availabl
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia Innovation Infrastructures in the Western Balkan Countries - Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia (2007 and 2008), Inform
STRATEGIC FORESIGHT STUDY ON THE FUTURE OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN THE SIX WESTERN BALKAN ECONOMIES Results from the first round of the online Delphi Of the more than 3,000 people from the so-called WB6 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovin
69% Deutsch Bestimmungsgründe der Wohnsituation in Tirol Publikation 16. Mär 2011
August Gächter's Bericht an das Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol (ZeMiT) Die öffentliche Wohnungsvergabe an bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen bleibt ein aktuelles Thema. Das Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol - ZeMiT im (Rahmen von MigrAlp) leistete
69% Deutsch ... vom braindrain zum braingain News 4. Sep 2008
Die ÖFSE (Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung) in Kooperation mit dem ZSI und dem vidc laden herzlich zu folgender Veranstaltung ein: Vom braindrain zum braingain Migration, Braindrain und die Auswirkungen auf Entwicklun
One of the Danube-INCO.NET project main pillars consists in the provision of analytical evidence on research and innovation in the Danube Region for the policy making system. In such a context, ZSI has recently delivered a study that scrutinises both
The conference "Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans" will be accompanied by two workshops As announced before, POLICY ANSWERS is organising a major conference in Sarajevo in September 2023 under the umbrella of a whole serie
69% Schuch, Klaus Mitarbeiter/in 4. Mai 2005
Mag. Dr. Scientific Director and CEO Study of geography and economics (Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde), history and social sciences (Geschichte und Sozialkunde) at the University Vienna Master Thesis: "Produktionsplanung- und Steuerung als Beispi
The report outlines three scenarios on the possible futures of Research and Innovation (R&I) policies in the Western Balkans in 2035. Using a Strategic Foresight approach, the report supports policy-makers in creating an enabling environment for
Including some contributions made by researchers / policy stakeholders at the project farewell conference, the WBC-INCO.NET final publication is now available. The publication at hand is not only prepared as a report on the WBC-INCO.NET project that
WBC-INCO.NET Final Publication The publication at hand is not only prepared as a report on the WBC-INCO.NET project that has ended in 2014, but it is intended to promote regional cooperation also in the future and is aimed at everyone interested in r
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