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» Tag: Southeast Europe
2nd Transnational Exchange Meeting of TASK4ISI
Enhancing the innovation capacities of 200 entrepreneurs TASK4ISI held its 2nd transnational ISIHUB
26 - 28 Mai 2025
Digital Humanism Conference
Programm online
Poster abstract submissions for ACCTING final conference
Submit your 500-word abstract on topics related to “Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal”!
The Coordination Support Action “LUKE” officially started
Horizon Europe project “LUKE” starts: linking Ukraine to the ERA and supporting R&I cooperation
Advancing NEB and technological solutions in INHERIT social labs
INHERIT social labs advance New European Bauhaus values and tech solutions for sustainable cultural heritage renovation.
Zwischen Transparenz und Vorsicht
Zusammenarbeit der EU mit China
Unterstützung für Aktivitäten, die Demokratie und EU-Werte in Österreich stärken
Einreichunngsmöglichkeit für Projekte in ProEuropeanValuesAT
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Critical Making
Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Best-Practice-Recherche zu Demenz-Strategien und Maßnahmen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Actor groups influencing and shaping sustainable microalgae value chains in Europe
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
ESSI and UNTANGLED webinar on AI, Industry 5.0 and social innovations
Join the WeLaR Open Virtual Expert Café on 30 November
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
European social partners’ approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Management
Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective: EU-level. Updated Version April 2024
ZSI e-Newsletter
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
ZSI e-Newsletter
Mental Well-Being in Education for Disadvantaged Youth
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Tag: Southeast Europe
Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans in the focus
Supporting (second-chance) entrepreneurs
HERAS+ Call for proposals for Research Grants open
A European strategy for socio-economic recovery after COVID-19
A roadmap for socio-economic recovery in Southeastern Europe after Corona
Wie lässt sich "Second Chance Entrepreneurship" im Donauraum stärken?
Slow progress in Kosovo, but progress
Enhancing the innovation system in Kosovo
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans
HERAS Call for Proposals open
Vacancy Notice
Science and Research in Western Balkans | Some recent developments
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkans
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Joint Science Conference (JSC-WBP)
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Women in Science | Gender Equality
International cooperation discussed with European Research Managers
In Focus of Responsible Research and Innovation to support integration of WBC into ERA for the next 3 years
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Towards Evaluation Culture in Western Balkans
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: "Regional Strategies for and with the Western Balkans"
Participation of cohesion countries in Horizon 2020 still low
S&T Policy Mix Peer Reviews Danube-INCO.NET
E!DI Eureka Danube Initiative Call 2015 launched
Dialog für neue Chancen in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Innovation in der Ukraine
CEI-ener2i-MD Innovation Voucher Wettbewerb für die Republik Moldau
EuroScientist: Eastern European countries snub neighbours’ science policy
Social sciences in Kosovo
Thematic Pole 1: Innovation governance and policy
EVAL-INNO: final publication on RTDI evaluation in Southeast Europe available
ZSI at the 16th Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the WBC
Review on DANCERS dialogue event in Bucharest in September 2014
Higher KOS fellowships
Review on ZSI's contribution at EUSDR Forum 2014 in Vienna
ZSI-Projekte Danube-INCO.NET und RE-Turn beim EUSDR Forum
Presseinformation des ZSI: FORSEE -- Die wünschenswerteste machbare Zukunft von digitalen Inhalten als Roadmap
GastforscherInnen aus dem Kosovo am ZSI
FORSEE - call for experts on foresight and foresight institutionalisation
Rückblick auf die Abschlussevents von EVAL-INNO, WBC-INCO.NET & FORSEE
DerStandard: "Kein weißer Fleck" mehr auf der Forschungslandkarte
APA Science: "Westbalkan setzt Schritte in Richtung Europäischen Forschungsraum"
Kooperation mit Südosteuropa – es bleibt spannend!
ZSI_Stimmen im März
ZSI_Stimmen im Februar: "Digitale Inhalte" für neue Zukunftsbilder
FORSEE Onlinebewertung von Zukunftsbildern
FORSEE Newsletter #8
Ein Gespräch mit Florian Gruber, F&E
FORSEE Newsletter #7
RTDI evaluation training in Sofia
ZSI joined the ICT KOSEU project
FORSEE bringt internationale IKT-Interessensvertreter zusammen
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 30 APRIL 2012 - Call for Expert: Assessment of communication activities
EUREKA for smart regions: WBC-INCO.NET and SEE-ERA.NET PLUS contributions
Training on Research Project Management in Albania
Promoting Institutional Development
WBC-INCO.NET prepares for...
Date for the 11th Steering Platform on Research for WBC has been announced
Capacity building for RTDI in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Economy: Kooperationen schaffen Netzwerke
Responsible Research and Innovation – a requirement for excellence in research
"Gender Equality Plan Development ...
Horizon 2020 Training events in the Western Balkan Countries
PRESS WELCOME: Abschlusskonferenzen von WBC-INCO.NET, EVAL-INNO & FORSEE am 27. März 2014 in Wien
EVAL-INNO Abschlusskonferenz in Wien am 25.-26. März 2014
WBC-INCO.NET: "Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region” – WBC-INCO.NET
FORSEE Final Conference and Brokerage
RTDI evaluation training in Sofia
SEE PROGRAMME annual conference 2012
Patterns of geographical mobility of researchers from 6 Western Balkan Countries ...
European Strategy for Socio-Economic Recovery of Southeastern Europe after COVID-19 induced crisis
Research and Innovation policy in Western Balkans – some recent developments
Developing RTDI Evaluation Culture in Southeast Europe
The Eu Strategy for the Danube Region - Opportunities for some Western Balkan countries
The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan: History and Outlook
Bilateral and Regional Agreements of Cooperation of South Eastern European (SEE) Countries in the Field of Scientific Research and Higher Education
Methodology for Innovation Management
Knowledge And Technology Transfer Between Science And Business: Academic KTT Offices` Experience And Good Practise
Western Balkans Regional University Innovation Platform
Democracy Challenges in Western Balkans
Dissemination Strategies and Tools for Promoting WBC Excellence and Research Collaboration
Coordination of Research Policies with Western Balkan Countries – 6 Years of European and Regional Dialogue
R&D and Innovation in Western Balkans. Moving towards 2020
Evaluating Publicly Co-funded RTDI Programmes – Preliminary Benchmarks and Conclusions
Frugal Innovation
ISF Support for the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation for Western Balkan Countries Phase 2
Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region
ISF Support for the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation for Western Balkan Countries
Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo
Turkey in HORIZON 2020
Information Platform | Western Balkan Countries | Research, Technology, Innovation
Aligning Education with Labour Market Needs (Kosovo)
SEE-Innovation - Erleichterung der Innovation für IKT-KMU in Südosteuropa
Kopublikationsanalyse AT-Donauraum
Evaluation "Hochschulbildung in BiH" + "Qualitätssicherung in der BiH-Hochschulbildung"
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Projekts "Reform of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in Kosovo"
Kapazitätsaufbau und institutioneller Aufbau in Wissenschaft und Forschung in Bosnien-Herzegowina Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening...
Western Balkan countries INCO-NET Unterstützung im Bereich IKT
Identifikation und Analyse von Forschungsprioritäten
EVAL-INNO: Evaluation in RTDI in SEE
ASO Ljubljana
Evaluierung des "Experiencing Europe"-Projekts
Koordinationsstelle der 'Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices' in Sofia und Ljubljana (ASO Sofia und ASO Ljubljana)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Centre of Financial Studies)