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» Tag: energy
2nd Transnational Exchange Meeting of TASK4ISI
Enhancing the innovation capacities of 200 entrepreneurs TASK4ISI held its 2nd transnational ISIHUB
26 - 28 Mai 2025
Digital Humanism Conference
Programm online
Poster abstract submissions for ACCTING final conference
Submit your 500-word abstract on topics related to “Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal”!
The Coordination Support Action “LUKE” officially started
Horizon Europe project “LUKE” starts: linking Ukraine to the ERA and supporting R&I cooperation
Advancing NEB and technological solutions in INHERIT social labs
INHERIT social labs advance New European Bauhaus values and tech solutions for sustainable cultural heritage renovation.
Zwischen Transparenz und Vorsicht
Zusammenarbeit der EU mit China
Unterstützung für Aktivitäten, die Demokratie und EU-Werte in Österreich stärken
Einreichunngsmöglichkeit für Projekte in ProEuropeanValuesAT
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Critical Making
Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Best-Practice-Recherche zu Demenz-Strategien und Maßnahmen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Actor groups influencing and shaping sustainable microalgae value chains in Europe
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
ESSI and UNTANGLED webinar on AI, Industry 5.0 and social innovations
Join the WeLaR Open Virtual Expert Café on 30 November
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
European social partners’ approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Management
Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective: EU-level. Updated Version April 2024
ZSI e-Newsletter
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
ZSI e-Newsletter
deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegritY
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Tag: energy
Second call for projects EU-African Union on renewable energy still open!
Subscribe to the STEP CHANGE Project Newsletter
„Kümmerer“ als Schlüsselfigur für die Energiewende am Land
ENTRANCES project participates in Horizon 2020 Project Clustering Workshop
First newsletter of the ENTRANCES project on coal & carbon transition published!
ENTRANCES Project successfully launched with virtual Kick-off Meeting
2nd Energy Social Lab of NewHoRRIzon
2nd NewHoRRIzon Social Lab Workshops
Two new webinars coming up as part of the EaP Plus webinar series
INDIGO projects showcased results in Closing Event in Ghent, Belgium
Countdown activated! Final Showcasing Event by the INNO INDIGO POLICY projects
ZSI begleitete Konsultationsprozess für integrierte Energie- und Klimastrategie
Was auf der Weltklimakonferenz in Paris geschehen muss
Europe 2020: Towards growth and resource efficiency
High interest in ener2i Innovation Voucher Competition Georgia
ZSI_Stimmen: Eine nachhaltige Zukunft – Beteiligungsformate für neue Visionen
Die Presse: "Mitgestalten: Das Wissen von Laien stärker nutzen"
Benchmarking of Energy related Research Organisations in Central Asia
Danube-INCO.NET informs about funds for energy efficiency and renewable energy
ener2i Innovation Voucher Competition in Georgia – Call for Applications
Brokerage Event in Frankfurt am Main/ Germany
Call for Scientific Evaluators for Benchmarking of Energy Research Organisations
Workshop and Networking Opportunities at the ASEAN-EU STI Days
ener2i Brokerage Event and Country Reports
Workshop on Geothermal Energy
Identification of Topics for EU-EaP Co-operation
CEI-ener2i-MD Innovation Voucher Wettbewerb für die Republik Moldau
Join the Danube-INCO.NET database of stakeholders
ener2i Brokerage Event in Moldova - December 11, 2014
Review on SUSTAIN Cluster Meeting in Bogor, Indonesia
EU-India STI Cooperation Days 2014
ener2i Brokerage Event in Belarus - October 14, 2014
The Eco-Innovation Action Plan in an Environmental Policy Context
Newsletter CapaCITY
ener2i Innovation Voucher Competition in Belarus – Call for Applications
ener2i EU Brokerage Event - Hosted by the Committee of the Regions
Can smart cities be sustainable innovation actors?
2nd joint IEE projects e-newsletter
New INDIGO: Neuer Call bis August 2013 offen
ENER2I am Start
Covenant CapaCITY - Training platform for local governments launched today!
Covenant CapaCITY Conference
Lange Nacht der Forschung, 24. Mai 2024 - wie läuft Recycling von Solarpanelen?
EaP PLUS HORIZON 2020 Info Day and brokerage event
IncoNet EaP Winter School "Energy Efficiency" - International Project Management - from Theory to Practice
Energy Networking4Innovation
ener2i and SECURE R2I events in Georgia
CASI BürgerInnenkonferenz in Wien
ener2i Brokerage Event in Chisinau, Moldau
ener2i brokerage Veranstaltung in Brüssel am 23. Juni 2014
"Local leadership in sustainable energy"
Innovation Vouchers for the Transition of Energy and Innovation Systems
Smart specialisation and social innovation: Evidence from six case studies on clean energy regional initiatives
PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery & recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules
Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition
Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy
Science Transformation in EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch
ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies
Planning Innovation: learning from socially innovative energy projects
Made in Danube - Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von KMU im Donauraum durch Innovationspartnerschaften im Bereich Bioökonomie
ener2i - ENErgy Research to Innovation
Covenant capaCITY
Ressourcen im Risiko:dialog