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» Tag: evaluation
2nd Transnational Exchange Meeting of TASK4ISI
Enhancing the innovation capacities of 200 entrepreneurs TASK4ISI held its 2nd transnational ISIHUB
26 - 28 Mai 2025
Digital Humanism Conference
Programm online
13. Mär 2025
Smart Specialisation in EU Enlargement Countries
POLICY ANSWERS Webinar co-organised with EUSDR PA7
Poster abstract submissions for ACCTING final conference
Submit your 500-word abstract on topics related to “Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal”!
The Coordination Support Action “LUKE” officially started
Horizon Europe project “LUKE” starts: linking Ukraine to the ERA and supporting R&I cooperation
Advancing NEB and technological solutions in INHERIT social labs
INHERIT social labs advance New European Bauhaus values and tech solutions for sustainable cultural heritage renovation.
Zwischen Transparenz und Vorsicht
Zusammenarbeit der EU mit China
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Critical Making
Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Best-Practice-Recherche zu Demenz-Strategien und Maßnahmen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Actor groups influencing and shaping sustainable microalgae value chains in Europe
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
ESSI and UNTANGLED webinar on AI, Industry 5.0 and social innovations
Join the WeLaR Open Virtual Expert Café on 30 November
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
European social partners’ approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Management
Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective: EU-level. Updated Version April 2024
ZSI e-Newsletter
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
ZSI e-Newsletter
Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo
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Tag: evaluation
The Austrian RTI Evaluation Platform has a new managing director
Principles of Participatory Evaluation
Evaluierung des FWF Programms zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste (PEEK)
Begutachtung auf dem Prüfstand
New COST Action launched with ZSI
Wie wirkt Covid-19 auf unsere Evaluierungskultur?
ReGendering Science: e-Book of Abstracts published
Kick-off of H2020 project CoAct
Evaluation: Austrian Offices for Science and Technology - article in "Standard"
Wirkungsanalyse der Servicestelle zur Erschließung ausländischer Qualifikationen
Über die Mission, die Welt zu ändern
ENRESSH COST Action mobility grants on evaluation in SSH
ResInfra@DR project: Successfull call with high response rate!
How to monitor Gender Equality Plans of Universities?
Societal impact of the Vienna University of Economics and Businness
Call for External Evaluator on the quality of the project management ...
Portfolioevaluation der internationalen Programme
Low participation of some New Member States in FP7 and Horizon 2020
TAIPI project at Graphene Flagship impact workshop
PLOTINA in a nutshell - watch the video to learn about the project
Call for applications - Peer Reviewers for Gender Equality Plans
Klare Regeln bei Studien sind Schutz für beide Seiten
Wie man Wissenschaft besser messbar macht
Mobility Call on Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities
EaP STI Evaluation Platform: MoU signed
Nachlese zur Veranstaltung über die Evaluierung von RP7
Expertise and Evaluation of Research Projects in EaP countries
Regional Peer Review Database: Enhancing capacities in the Black Sea Region
DER STANDARD: Auf der Suche nach der Spitzen-Uni
Die Presse: Messen, ob die Welt mit Wissenschaft besser wird
CfP and Conference Announcement: Research Evaluation for SSH
Research Evaluation for the Social Sciences and the Humanities
Thematic Pole 1: Innovation governance and policy
EVAL-INNO: final publication on RTDI evaluation in Southeast Europe available
medianet: "No-Go" - gekaufte Evaluationen
medianet: goal-overload und Kleinteiligkeit
medianet: "Evaluierung im Politikzyklus"
soQua-Lehrgang 2014-16 für Sozialwissenschaften: Anmeldung geöffnet!
medianet: "Ergebnisse? Immer zu spät …" -- zum Aussetzen der PISA-Studie
medianet: Gute Evaluation ist missionsfrei
Rückblick auf die Abschlussevents von EVAL-INNO, WBC-INCO.NET & FORSEE
DerStandard: "Kein weißer Fleck" mehr auf der Forschungslandkarte
Kooperation mit Südosteuropa – es bleibt spannend!
ZSI_Stimmen im März
Klaus Schuch als fteval-Geschäftsführer wiederbestellt
Wissens- und Technologietransfer
Nachbericht: {New Horizon \ New Challenges} Konferenz
"Hochkonjunktur für die Forschungsevaluation"
fteval organisiert die größte F&E-Evaluationskonferenz seit sieben Jahren
Diagnose: Evaluitis
Evaluationen planen, beauftragen und durchführen
FTEVAL: Konferenz über Herausforderungen für die FTI-Politikevaluierung
FTEVAL: "Dänemark: ein herausragender Forschungsstandort" (Präsentation)
RTDI evaluation training in Sofia
EVAL-INNO: Successful two days workshop in Athens
Neue österreichische FTI-Evaluierungsstandards!
“Taking the long term view“ am 18.9.2012
Ziele und Bewertungskriterien FTI-politischer Programme
Plattform Forschung und Technologieevaluierung "fteval"
Participatory assessment workshops in Berlin
Kann man die Wirkung der FTI-Politik messen?
Outputorientierte Evaluierung von FTI-Programmen
S&T Policy Mix Peer Review site visits to Moldova and Kazakhstan successfully concluded
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 30 APRIL 2012 - Call for Expert: Assessment of communication activities
Evaluierung der TEPs (Territoriale Beschäftigungspakte) abgeschlossen
Call for a Team Leader - S&T Policy Mix Peer Review in Kazakhstan
CEEPUS Evaluation - Main Findings
Klimarechnungshof Jetzt! Die Eingabe
Environmental and Energy Economics: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Green Transition, Circular Economy
Challenging the understanding of roles and ownership in citizen social science: the coact experience
Conference: Evaluation of Public Policy Responses to 'black swans'
Participatory Evaluation in Citizen Science
Participatory evaluation in citizen science
Impact of Research and Innovation Policy at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation and Evaluation
ResInfra@DR Consultation Event
Open Evaluation 2016
Success breeds Success. Experiences from Singapore
PRESS WELCOME: Abschlusskonferenzen von WBC-INCO.NET, EVAL-INNO & FORSEE am 27. März 2014 in Wien
EVAL-INNO Abschlusskonferenz in Wien am 25.-26. März 2014
„New Horizons / New Challenges: evaluation of STI policies, instruments and organisations”
RTDI evaluation training in Sofia
Preview on International Partnership Conference
Citizen science, accessibility, art & science, critical thinking, policy and engagement: thoughts and lessons learned from the REINFORCE experience
EIT Urban Mobility (EIT-UM) : Horizon Europe and the Green Transition : interim evaluation support study
Editorial: Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science
Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science
Evaluation of the Arts-based Research Programme of the Austrian Science Fund (PEEK)
Informed Consent Procedure Requirements and Challenges
Evaluation in Citizen Science: The Art of Tracing a Moving Target
Impact assessment study for COST on career development
Debating Impact and Mission-Orientation of R&I Policies
Zwischenevaluierung “Beyond Europe”: Endbericht
Measuring the Impact of the EU Flagships "HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT" and "GRAPHENE"
Evaluation of Research, Development, and Innovation
Evaluating Citizen Science
Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming
Evaluation of CEEPUS’ teacher mobility: Frequent travellers under the microscope
Research and Innovation policy in Western Balkans – some recent developments
Monitoring and evaluation in joint calls of “horizontal-INCO” ERA NETs and ERA-NET PLUS Actions
Developing RTDI Evaluation Culture in Southeast Europe
RTDI Evaluation Standards
Research, Technology, and Innovation Evaluation in Austria
Testing social network platform for older people
Outputorientierte Evaluierung von FTI-Programmen
Evaluating Publicly Co-funded RTDI Programmes – Preliminary Benchmarks and Conclusions
Mobilizing Austrian Vocational Training Know-How in Africa
Evaluation of the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation: Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness related to the Green Transition
New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society
Evaluation der Projekte des AK-Digitalisierungsfonds
Lost Millennials - Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs
Regenerative Co-Creative Transformation HUBS
Evaluierung i2Business Angels und aws Business Angel Fonds
Evaluierung der OSTA in Washington und Peking
COST impact assessment
Evaluierung des 'Beyond Europe' Programms
Evaluierung der Implementierung von Horizon 2020, EUREKA, COSME, EEN and ERA in Österreich
External quality assurance of Erasmus+ project on university management in Southeast Asia
Evaluierung des FWF-Portfolios „Internationale Programme"
Evaluierung der Eigenkapitalinitiativen der Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH
Gender Mainstreaming der FTI-Strategie Wiens
Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation, and training
Inter-project coaching for FAITH ("Increasing the Financial Autonomy and Accountability in public higher education institutions in Kosova"
Tools and Actions for Impact Assessment and Policy makers Information
Evaluierung des Programms "Wirtschaftspartnerschaften" der ADA
ERA.Net RUS Plus
Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
Evaluierung der Siemens-Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen
Evaluation of bilateral Science & Technology Agreements
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des CIR-CE Programmes (Co-operation in Innovation and Research with Central and Eastern Europe)
sozialwissenschaftliche Berufsausbildung: SOQUA 2005-2016
Evaluation "Hochschulbildung in BiH" + "Qualitätssicherung in der BiH-Hochschulbildung"
Evaluation des Projekts CIVISTI "Bürgervisionen zu Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation"
NANOYOU - Communicating Nanotechnology to European Youth
Access to Higher Education
Output-orientierte Evaluierung öffentlich geförderter FTI-Programme: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
EVAL-INNO: Evaluation in RTDI in SEE
UEFA-Euro 2008
Evaluierung des "Experiencing Europe"-Projekts
Evaluation von UNIDOs strategischem Forschungsprogramm COMPID
Jugend Innovativ
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Centre of Financial Studies)