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» Tag: international cooperation
2nd Transnational Exchange Meeting of TASK4ISI
Enhancing the innovation capacities of 200 entrepreneurs TASK4ISI held its 2nd transnational ISIHUB
26 - 28 Mai 2025
Digital Humanism Conference
Programm online
Poster abstract submissions for ACCTING final conference
Submit your 500-word abstract on topics related to “Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal”!
The Coordination Support Action “LUKE” officially started
Horizon Europe project “LUKE” starts: linking Ukraine to the ERA and supporting R&I cooperation
Advancing NEB and technological solutions in INHERIT social labs
INHERIT social labs advance New European Bauhaus values and tech solutions for sustainable cultural heritage renovation.
Zwischen Transparenz und Vorsicht
Zusammenarbeit der EU mit China
Unterstützung für Aktivitäten, die Demokratie und EU-Werte in Österreich stärken
Einreichunngsmöglichkeit für Projekte in ProEuropeanValuesAT
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Critical Making
Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Best-Practice-Recherche zu Demenz-Strategien und Maßnahmen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Actor groups influencing and shaping sustainable microalgae value chains in Europe
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
ESSI and UNTANGLED webinar on AI, Industry 5.0 and social innovations
Join the WeLaR Open Virtual Expert Café on 30 November
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
European social partners’ approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Management
Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective: EU-level. Updated Version April 2024
ZSI e-Newsletter
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
ZSI e-Newsletter
Social Economy for Resilience, Inclusion and Good Life in Rural Areas
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Tag: international cooperation
D4SEE Seminar & Study Visit in Bratislava
Tracing project impacts at the European Science Diplomacy conference
The European research cluster on China met in Brussels
ZSI joins the ENRICH GLOBAL network
Discussing the next four years of China research
AU-EU Collaborative Research and Innovation projects on Renewable Energy
ZSI joins a new European research action on China
Results brief for the S4D4C project published by CORDIS
Die EU-Allianz für Wissenschaftsdiplomatie nimmt ihre Tätigkeit auf!
Celebrating the results of the S4D4C networking meeting
13 recommendations for R&I internationalisation
A European strategy for socio-economic recovery after COVID-19
Revisiting EU-Latin American and Caribbean relations
Unique online training opportunity in science diplomacy now ready
A roadmap for socio-economic recovery in Southeastern Europe after Corona
Results of Austria-China Co-publication Analysis Published
S4D4C asks for feedback to newly published policy report
H2020 Policy Support Facility Report on International Cooperation published!
Science Diplomacy and COVID-19 - an international debate
ZSI-koordiniertes Projekt in Die Presse
Europe's science diplomacy discussed in Berlin
Fostering the scientific-entrepreneurial ties between Europe and Southeast Asia
Debating European Science Diplomacy
Amazon fires 'show need to improve EU science diplomacy'
Preparing for Science Diplomacy - leaving the comfort zone
The future of EU-LAC relations
EaP PLUS conducts three more webinars in July
International cooperation for tackling global biosphere and social challenges
Outline of the Mutual Learning Exercise about RTI internationalisation
EaP PLUS final event taking place in Brussels on June 11, 2019!
S4D4C's Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy published
Discussing science diplomacy in Prague
Talks with Dr. Manavi from the Iranian Embassy
S4D4C was at the BioVision 2018 Conference, in Alexandria
Portfolioevaluation der internationalen Programme
Facilitating a European Union Science Diplomacy
Vom Forschungsinput zum Innovationsoutput
Einladung zum club research
ZSI signing 3 more H2020 Grant Agreements to support International Cooperation
XING Magazin: Innovationen in Indien – „Business Sutra“ mit dem Segen der Götter
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships at the Centre of Social Innovation
Facilitating EU-Russian Scientific and Societal Engagement: Joint Efforts to Tackle Grand Challenges
PRESSE-Interview mit Klaus Schuch, dem neuen wissenschaftlichen Leiter des ZSI
ZSI in Wien heute
European Added Value of EU Science, Technology and Innovation actions and EU-Member State Partnership in international cooperation
Forschungskooperation mit Chile
Aufruf zur Einreichung von WTZ-Projekten zwischen Österreich und Ukraine sowie zwischen Österreich und Vietnam
Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Beyond Europe Empfehlungen
Aviso: EU-India Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Days
Foresight Kooperation zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika in Mexiko City
Projektstart des BILAT-Mexiko
Workshop on Gender Equality and Inclusiveness
ENRICH GLOBAL General Assembly
Horizon Europe, Research and Innovation: where should science lead us?
Europe and China: whose future are we heading towards?
S4D4C Final Networking conference
ZSI organises discussion on European and Canadian science diplomacy
World Science Forum 2019 in Budapest
BILAT USA 4.0 Citizen Science Workshop 2018
European Science Diplomacy presented in Washington
Canadian Research Funding Opportunities for EU Researchers
Horizon 2020 Association Launching Workshop and Info Day for Armenia
"Opportunities in Science and Innovation Collaboration between Canada & Austria"
Wie kooperiert Österreich mit Nordamerika im Wissenschaftsbereich?
Kopublikationsanalyse Österreich-China 2013-2018 - Endbericht
Science Diplomacy in the Making: Case-based insights from the S4D4C project
STI Policy Recommendations: EU-EaP Beyond 2020
Design and Development of National Strategies for International Cooperation in Research and Innovation
Zwischenevaluierung “Beyond Europe”: Endbericht
Palgrave Communications: The Past, Present and Future of European Science Diplomacy
State-of-the-Art Report on Science Diplomacy
Africa-Europe Research and Innovation Cooperation
ASEAN-India Collaboration in Science & Technology: Evidence and Prospects
Strategien zur Internationalisierung von Wissenschaft und Innovation
Country Report Russia
Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Support to the EU-Eastern Partnership (EaP) research and innovation cooperation
AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue on Science Technology and Innovation - Phase II
European Science Diplomacy Agenda
Support to the multilateral dialogue on principles and values for international cooperation in research and innovation
Service Facility in Support of the Global Approach of Research and Innovation
Tackling foreign interference in Research and Innovation
Generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens
ISF Data Gathering on the participation of Switzerland and Israel to Horizon 2020
ISF Support for the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation for Western Balkan Countries Phase 2
Analysis of Austria-China Co-publications 2013-2018
ISF Supporting Horizon 2020 National Contact Points in EU Partner Countries - phase 2
Evaluierung der OSTA in Washington und Peking
PSF MLE on National strategies and roadmaps for international cooperation in R&I
ISF Communication Activities for International Cooperation
Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation
Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of STI Partnerships between the EU and the USA
Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union
Strengthening Technology, Research and Innovation Cooperation between Europe and South Africa 2020
Beyond Europe Informationsplattform
STI International Cooperation Network for Central Asian Countries-IncoNet CA
IncoNet EaP
Analytische Unterstützung FTI Arbeitsgruppe 7a Internationalisierung Drittstaaten
IncoNet CA/SC: S&T International Cooperation Network