Magª. Martina Lindorfer
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
Funktionen am ZSI: project manager
- Phone: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 68
- Fax: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 40
- Email:
- How globalisation, technology and demographic change are transforming companies and industries: Lessons from case studies (2024)
- Evaluating Participatory Video as a Tool for Digital Learning (2023)
- Eine bessere Schule in post-pandemischen Zeiten? Differenzierte Gestaltungswünsche bei Wiener Schüler_innen (2023)
- "Zuhause bekommen wir nur intensive Aufgaben." (2021)
- WWTF-Covid 19 Rapid Response Projekte: Highlights (2021)
- Datensatz "Lernen im Ausnahmezustand" - SchülerInnen und Eltern - (SUF edition) (2021)
- "Plötzlich bin ich in der Situation eines Youtubers." (2021)
- „Ich selbst hab zuwenig Kapazitäten, um mein Kind zu motivieren." (2021)
- Von Risikogruppen zu Gestaltungschancen: Lernen im Ausnahmezustand (2020)
- Revisiting bi-regional relations: the EU-Latin American dialogue and diversification of interregional cooperation (2020)
- „Lernen im Ausnahmezustand - Chancen und Risiken". Erste Ergebnisse der Schüler_innenbefragung (2020)
- Bewerbungsprozesse im Wandel. Alte und neue Anforderungen an BewerberInnen in Niederösterreich (2020)
- Specialists in building bridges. The SIC Research Community Roadmap. D2.4 of the SIC project (2019)
- Specialists in building bridges. The SIC Research Community Roadmap (2019)
- Research Trajectories on Social Issues in the EU, (CE)LAC and beyond. How the social dimension of the EU and (CE)LAC frame EU-(CE)LAC social relations (2018)
- Open Digital Science (2016-04-01)
- Policy Brief on NCP information and communication needs (2016)
- Mapping of Advanced Materials Deployment for Societal Challenges: Health, Energy, Water (2015)
- Final roadmap and recommendations for nano-health, nano-water & nano-energy deployment for societal challenges in Latin American Countries (2015)
- Roadmap and recommendations for deployment – Focus on nanotechnologies for health (2015)
- Roadmap and recommendations for deployment of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for energy in Latin America (2015)
- Report on impact dimensions of the bi-regional cooperation with outlook on impact and outreach of ALCUE NET (2014)
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:
Martina Lindorfer is researcher and project manager since 2008. She holds a degree in international development and has worked extensively on Science, Technology and Society (STS) cooperation between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean.Currently her research focus lies on dynamics and dimensions of inequalities, inclusion of vulnerable groups, social policy and digitalisation & future of work. She works with participatory methods of research and evaluation and is trained in gender, diversity and intersectionality.
Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte:
- Corona-Verständigungsprozess - Fallstudie "Distance Learning / Schulschließungen" im Auftrag der ÖAW (2023)
- Health Labs4Value (2023, Projektleitung)
- BIOLOC - Biobased and social innovation to revitalise European local communities (2022, Projektleitung)
- RuralBioUp - Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions (2022)
- UNTANGLED - Untangling the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change to foster shared prosperity in Europe (2021)
- Transition2BIO - Support the TRANSITION towards the BIOeconomy for a more sustainable future through communication, education and public engagement (2021)
- Climatubers - Climatubers - Influencers for Change (2021, Projektleitung)
- Lernen im Ausnahmezustand - Risiken und Chancen (2020)
- TAAFE - Towards an Alpine Age - Friendly Environment (2019)
- Bewerbungsprozesse im Wandel – alte und neue Anforderungen an Bewerber_innen in Niederösterreich (2019)
- ISF-RI-LAC - ISF Support to the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Working group on research infrastructures (2018)
- EULAC Focus - Giving focus to the cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-CELAC relations (2016, Projektleitung)
- PLOTINA - Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation, and training (2016)
- SIC - Social Innovation Community (2016)
- ODS - Open Digital Science (2015, Projektleitung)
- NMP-DeLA - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production technologies DEployment in Latin American countries (2013)
- ALCUE NET (2012, Projektleitung)
- Nanochannels (2011, Projektleitung)
- UEMEXCyT II - Büro für EU-Mexiko Wissenschafts- und Technologiekooperation (2008, Projektleitung)
- EULARINET - European Union-Latin American Research and Innovation NETworks (2008, Projektleitung)
- EULAKS - Connecting Socio-Economic Research on the Dynamics of the Knowledge Society (2008)
- WBC-INCO.NET (2008)
- Kooo - Koordinationsstelle der Territorialen Beschäftigungspakte (2007)
- Information Office (2006)
Weitere Publikationen:
Malsch Ineke, Martina Lindorfer, Isabella Wagner, Maria Lima-Toivanen (2016): International Cooperation on Nanosafety Between Europe and Latin America, In: Managing Risk in Nanotechnology, Part of the series Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management pp 71-92, Springer International Publishing
Teilnahme an folgenden Veranstaltungen:
ÖAW-Symposium "Nach Corona: Was haben wir aus der Krise gelernt?" am 12.2.2024, 10-12h
- ÖAW, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
12. 02. 2024 - 12. 02. 2024 -
TAAFE Toward an Alpine Age friendly Environment - International Conference (online)
- online
16. 06. 2021 - 17. 06. 2021
Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang:
- Certified Program Change Management (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems), 2025 - 2025
- Lehrgang "Gender - Diversität - Intersektionalität" " (Genderwerkstätte Graz), 2022
- Employed by ZSI since 2007
- Lecturer at the University of Vienna (Institute of International Development), 2010 - 2013
- Study of International Development at the Universities of Vienna (MA Diploma), 2002 - 2007
- Study visits at the "Universidade Federal do Pernambuco" (UFPE), Brazil, 2005 - 2006
- Study of Psychology at the "Universidad del Valle", Mexico, 2000 - 2001
- Fluency in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Basic knowledge in French.