Mag. Manfred Spiesberger
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Funktionen am ZSI: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Email:
- Foresight on demand brief in support of the Horizon Europe mission board: Adaptation to climate change, including societal transformation (2021)
- Innovation Vouchers for the Transition of Energy and Innovation Systems (2019)
- Stimulating science-business links: lessons from the Policy Support Facility (2019)
- Impact assessment study for COST on career development (2019)
- Improving the Effectiveness of Georgia’s Research and Innovation System through Prioritisation, Selectivity of Funding and Science-Business Links (2018)
- Smart specialisation and social innovation: Evidence from six case studies on clean energy regional initiatives (2018)
- Measuring the Impact of the EU Flagships "HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT" and "GRAPHENE" (2018) (Primär Autor)
- Foresight für internationale Wissenschaftspolitik (2018)
- Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming (2017)
- The Role of Smart Specialisation in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policies (2017)
- Report on the S&T Policy Mix Peer Review (PMPR) Kyrgyzstan (2016) (Primär Autor)
- PSF Background Report: Peer Review of the Moldovan Research and Innovation System (2016)
- PSF Peer Review Report on Moldova's Research & Innovation System (2016)
- Guide on Russian Innovation Stimulation Instruments (2015) (Primär Autor)
- FTA supporting effective priority setting in multi-lateral research programme cooperation: The case of EU–Russia S&T cooperation (2015)
- Facilitating EU-Russian Scientific and Societal Engagement: Joint Efforts to Tackle Grand Challenges (2014)
- ERA.Net RUS foresight report (2014)
- Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming (2014)
- Innovation Performance Review Armenia (2014)
- Country Fiche “Russia” (2013)
- First special report for the EU-Russia S&T Committee (2013)
- Overview of EU-Russia R&D and Innovation Cooperation: ERA.NET RUS Scenario Validation. Foresight Background Paper (2013)
- Erawatch Country Reports 2012: Russian Federation (2013)
- ERAWATCH Country Report 2012: Republic of Moldova (2013)
- New model for multilateral EU-Russia cooperation in the sphere of research and innovation under ERA-NET scheme (2013)
- Towards a vision for research, technology and innovation cooperation between Russia and the EU, its Member States and Associated Countries (2013) (Primär Autor)
- Overview of EU-Russia R&D and innovation cooperation published (2013)
- Country Fiche “Moldova” (2013)
- ERAWATCH Country Report 2011: Moldova (2012-11-30)
- Erawatch Country Reports 2011: Russian Federation (2012)
- INNO-Policy TrendChart report Moldova (2012) (Primär Autor)
- ERAWATCH Country Report 2011: Republic of Moldova (2012)
- INNO-Policy TrendChart report Russia (2012)
- S&T Policy Mix Peer Review Moldova. Report on the review of the Moldovan S&T Policy Mix (2012)
- Bilateral S&T Cooperation with Russia (2012)
- ERAWATCH Country Report 2010: Republic of Moldova (2011)
- Article on ERA.Net RUS foresight published (2011)
- Erawatch Country Reports 2010: Russian Federation (2011)
- Foresight for EU-Russia S&T and Innovation Cooperation (2011)
- Moldova: research and innovation system analysis (2011)
- Policy-Brief zu EU-Russland Foresight publiziert (2011)
- Article on ERA.Net RUS foresight published (2011)
- ERAWATCH Country Report Russia published (2011)
- Innovation Policy in Russia (2011)
- State of the art and perspectives of bilateral S&T programmes between EU MS/AC and Russia (2010)
- Overview of EU-Russia R&D and innovation cooperation (2010)
- Summarising report: Opportunities and Needs for advanced cooperation of S&T and innovation programme owners in EU MS/AC and Russia (2010)
- Foresight in Russia and for its cooperation with the EU (2010)
- The Russian S&T funding system from the perspective of international cooperation (2010)
- SEE-ERA-NET Pilot Joint Call for Research and Thematic Network Projects (2009)
- Internationalisation of S&T - Russia (2009)
- Governance Modelle von RTOs (2009)
- Evaluation of project “Enhancing Capacities in the Area of Protection and Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Zakarpattya/ West Ukraine (2009)
- Österreichisch-Russische F&W Kooperation (2008-04)
- Monitoring Report on the Pilot Joint Call (PJC) of the SEE-ERA.NET consortium (2008)
- Governance Modelle nationaler Forschungsinfrastrukturen zur strategischen Ausrichtung der RTOs (2008)
- Country Report Russia (2008) (Primär Autor)
- Developing Science Based Education. An independent evaluation of the Basic Research and Higher Education Program (1998-2007) (2007)
- The South Eastern Europe Regional Tertiary Education and Research Project (2007)
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Research and Innovation policies, especially in Eastern Europe and countries of the Former Soviet Union
- Evaluations, impact assessments and foresight
- Social innovation in energy for climate adaptation, climate change and water
Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte:
- LUKE - Linking Ukraine to the European Research Area – Joint Funding and Capacity Building Platform for Enhanced Research and Innovation Cooperation (2025, Projektleitung)
- GSF-03-AU-EU HLPD on STI - AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue on Science Technology and Innovation - Phase II (2023)
- GSF-09-EaP - Support to the EU-Eastern Partnership (EaP) research and innovation cooperation (2022)
- Evaluation of the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation: Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness related to the Green Transition (2021)
- ISF ERA ENP - Assessing progress towards the ERA integration of the associated ENP countries (2021)
- PHOTORAMA - PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery & recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules (2021, Projektleitung)
- HERAS PLUS - Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo (2020)
- ENTRANCES - ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies (2020, Projektleitung)
- FoD-CCA - Foresight-on-Demand: Climate Change Adaptation and Societal Transformation (2019, Projektleitung)
- COST impact assessment (2019, Projektleitung)
- ISF-Central Asia Water - ISF Central Asian Water Regional Science Diplomacy: A Stakeholder's Platform (2018)
- PSF Specific Support to Georgia (2017, Projektleitung)
- PSF - Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (2015, Projektleitung)
- PSF Peer Review of the Moldovan Research and Innovation System (2015, Projektleitung)
- TAIPI - Tools and Actions for Impact Assessment and Policy makers Information (2015, Projektleitung)
- ERA.Net RUS Plus (2013, Projektleitung)
- ener2i - ENErgy Research to Innovation (2013, Projektleitung)
- BILAT-RUS-Advanced (2012, Projektleitung)
- ERAWATCH Moldova (2010)
- ERA.NET RUS - Linking Russia to the ERA (2009)
- ERAWATCH Russia (2008, Projektleitung)
- BILAT-RUS - Stärkung der bilateralen F&E-Partnerschaft mit der Russischen Föderation (2008)
- Österreichisch-Russische Forschungs- und Wissenschaftskooperation (2008, Projektleitung)
- IncoNet EECA - S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asia (2008)
Weitere Publikationen:
INTAS and its Activities in Innovation: What a Research Funding Organization Can Do (2004), in: Leal Filho, Walter (ed.): Supporting the Development of R&D and the Innovation Potential of Post-Socialist Countries, Amsterdam.
Round Table: Open Access issues for developing countries (2003), in: Grüttemeier, Herbert/Barry Mahon (ed.): Open Access to Scientific and Technical Information, Amsterdam.
Der Europäische Wirtschaftsraum als Beispiel für Differenzierte Annäherung an die EU (2000), in: Freiburghaus, Dieter (ed.): Wohin des Weg's Europa?, Bern.
Flexible Integration - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berücksichtigung einzelstaatlicher Besonderheiten und Wünsche durch die Europäische Union (1998), together with Dieter Freiburghaus and Elisabeth Eberharter, in: Cottier, Thomas/Alwin R. Kope (ed.): Der Beitritt der Schweiz zur Europäischen Union, Zürich.
Übergangsregime zur Abfederung von Differenzen bei EG/EU-Beitritten (1998), in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 1998, 4, 407-423.
Parlamentarismus in der Sowjetunion und Rußland 1985 - Herbst 1993 (1997), master thesis, accepted in May 1997, Vienna.
Teilnahme an folgenden Veranstaltungen:
Science Diplomacy Symposium on Transboundary Nile Water Management
- Nairobi, Kenya
24. 10. 2024 - 25. 10. 2024 -
Lange Nacht der Forschung, 24. Mai 2024 - wie läuft Recycling von Solarpanelen?
- Wiener Neustadt, TFZ - Technologie- und Forschungszentrum Wr. Neustadt, Viktor Kaplan Strasse 2
24. 05. 2024 - 24. 05. 2024 -
Meet the PHOTORAMA project at EUSEW
- Brussels
26. 09. 2022 - 30. 09. 2022 -
Horizon 2020 Training events in the Western Balkan Countries
21. 09. 2018 - 23. 12. 2018 -
Open Evaluation 2016
- Tech Gate Vienna, Donau-City-Straße 1, A-1220 Vienna
24. 11. 2016 - 25. 11. 2016 -
ener2i Brokerage Event in Chisinau, Moldau
- Chisinau, Moldau
11. 12. 2014 - 11. 12. 2014 -
ener2i brokerage Veranstaltung in Brüssel am 23. Juni 2014
- Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Brussels / Jacques Delors Building - Room JDE53
23. 06. 2014 -
ZSI bei der TII Jahreskonferenz 2011 vertreten
- Nizhny Novgorod, Russland
26. 05. 2011 - 28. 05. 2011
Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang:
Mr. Manfred Spiesberger is a senior researcher and project manager at Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Vienna/Austria since 2008. He studied Political Science, Russian and History of Eastern Europe. He is fluent in German, English, French, and Russian.
In the field of energy, Manfred Spiesberger is currently involved in two major H2020 projects: ENTRANCES on coal phase out and decarbonisation of industries, and PHOTORAMA on PV panel recycling. He coordinated the EU FP7 project ener2i (, energy research to innovation, 2014-16), which stimulated cooperation among businesses and researchers from the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries on Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency. He has been working with the EC's Joint Research Centre on social innovation in energy and its link to smart specialisation policies.
In evaluations he was work-package leader in the H2020 TAIPI project ( on impact assessment for the EU’s Flagship projects (Graphene and Human Brain Project), and did studies for the COST office. His recent foresight activities include serving as teamleader of an expert group to support the EU Mission Board “Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation” with foresight expertise in 2019-2020.
He has been involved for many years in EU funded projects related to R&D and innovation cooperation with countries of the Former Soviet Union. He served as a monitoring and foresight expert for the ERA.Net RUS Plus (, 2013-2022). In 2019 he was organising and moderating thematic workshops for the European Commission on the topic of water in Central Asia. He was rapporteur for reviews of the Moldovan (2015-16) and Georgian (2017-18) innovation systems in the frame of the EU's H2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF), team leader of international review panels of the S&T systems of Kyrgyzstan (2015-16) and Moldova (2011-12) in INCO-NET projects, and member of an international review panel of Armenia’s innovation system organised by UNECE.
From 2002-2006 he was an Austrian National Expert with the EU funding programme INTAS, International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists of the New Independent States (NIS) of the Former Soviet Union, where he was innovation manager. Before he was working in the Austrian National Contact Point (NCP) office for FP5, and four years as a research and teaching assistant at the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration in Lausanne.