Magª. Teresa Schäfer / Schaefer, (formerly known as Holocher-Ertl)
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Funktionen am ZSI: researcher, project leader
- Email:
- How to include schools in citizen science health studies: Practical experiences and lessons learned (2024)
- Adapting public funding schemes for participatory research: Managing expectations, overcoming structural constraints (2023)
- Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science (2022)
- Participatory evaluation practices in citizen social science: Insights from three case studies (2022)
- Editorial: Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science (2022)
- Transformation messen und verstehen: partizipative Evaluationsansätze für Citizen Science (2022) (Primär Autor)
- Evaluation in Citizen Science: The Art of Tracing a Moving Target (2021) (Primär Autor)
- The Covid-19 Response From Global Careables Makers (2021) (Primär Autor)
- Citizen-Based Air Quality Monitoring: The Impact on Individual Citizen Scientists and How to Leverage the Benefits to Affect Whole Regions. (2020) (Primär Autor)
- Evaluating Citizen Science (2017)
- Supporting Learning and Development in the Public Sector (2017)
- User Experiences Around Sentiment Analyses, Facilitating Workplace Learning (2017)
- The Evaluation of Citizen Science. Recommendations for Policymaking from the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2017 (2017)
- Reducing Ozone Pollution with Citizen Science (2016)
- Citizen Science Typologies (2016)
- Adding a Social Perspective to Workplace Learning Analytics (2016)
- Kriterienkatalog zur Bewertung von Citizen Science Projekten und Projektanträgen (2015)
- Beitrag zur Publikation des BMWFW zum "Jahr der Forschung": "Responsible Science" (2015)
- White Paper on Citizen Science for Europe (2014)
- The Role of Facilitation in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Public Employment Services (2014)
- Motivational factors of older people's peer learning Methodology for participatory workshops (2013) (Primär Autor)
- Testing of the Go-myLife platform (2012) (Primär Autor)
- How to set up a win-win-situation in end-user involvement processes – the potential of participatory methods (2012)
- Testing social network platform for older people (2012)
- Motivational factors of older people's peer learning (2012) (Primär Autor)
- Summative evaluation of Go-myLife (2012) (Primär Autor)
- Methodology of pilot testing and evaluation with older people (2011) (Primär Autor)
- Older people's needs and requirements for social network platforms (2011)
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:
Public participation in scientific research
User-centred design and evaluation of socio-technical innovations in communication and learning
Project communication
Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte:
- make-a-thek (2025)
- RIECS-Concept (2025)
- InChildHealth - InChildHealth (2022, Projektleitung)
- ECS - European Citizen Science (2022)
- mAkE - African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (2022)
- TIME4CS (2021, Projektleitung)
- Critical Making (2021)
- CoAct - Codesigning Citizen Social Science for Collective Action (2020)
- EU-Citizen.Science - The European Citizen Science Platform (2019, Projektleitung)
- Careables - Open and Inclusive Healthcare for Citizens Based on Digital Fabrication (2018)
- Evaluierungsstudie Sparkling Science (2017)
- CAPTOR - Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution (2016, Projektleitung)
- „Young Science Zentrum“ - Sondierungs- und Evaluationsstudie (2014)
- EmployID (2014)
- PS.NET - Public Safety Net (2013)
- SOCIENTIZE - Society as e-Infrastructure through technology, innovation and creativity (2012, Projektleitung)
- Volkswagen - narratives Wissensmanagement (2012)
- PEER - Sapere aude! Dare to be wise! (2011)
- GLOBAL excursion (2011)
- Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (2011)
- Go-myLife (2010)
- IntelLEO (2009, Projektleitung)
Weitere Publikationen:
Schaefer T., Kieslinger B., Brandt M., van den Bogaert V. (2021) Evaluation in Citizen Science: The Art of Tracing a Moving Target. In: Vohland K. et al. (eds) The Science of Citizen Science. Springer, Cham.
Haklay M., Fraisl D., Greshake Tzovaras B., Hecker S., Gold M., Hager G., Ceccaroni L., Kieslinger B., Wehn Uta, Woods S., Nold C., Balázs B., Mazzonetto M., Ruefenacht., Shanley L. A., Wagenknecht K., Motion A., Sforzi A., Riemenschneider D., Dorler D., Heigl F., Schaefer T., Lindner A., Weißpflug M., Mačiulienė M. and Vohland K. (2021). Contours of citizen science: a vignette study. R. Soc. open sci.8:202108
Kieslinger B, Schaefer T, Fabian CM, Biasin E, Bassi E, Freire RR, Mowoh N, Arif N and Melis P (2021) Covid-19 Response From Global Makers: The Careables Cases of Global Design and Local Production. Front. Sociol. 6:629587. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2021.629587
Schaefer, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2020) Citizen-Based Air Quality Monitoring: The Impact on Individual Citizen Scientists and How to Leverage the Benefits to Affect Whole Regions. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5(1): 6, pp. 1–12. DOI:
Schaefer, T., Fabian, C.M, Kopp, T. (2020) The dynamics of online learning at the workplace: peer-facilitated social learning and the application in practice. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), doi:10.1111/bjet.12894
Kopp, T., Kinkel, S., Schäfer, T., Kieslinger, B. and Brown, A. (2020), Measuring the impact of learning at the workplace on organisational performance, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Haklay, Muki, Motion, Alice, Balázs, Bálint, Kieslinger, Barbara, Greshake Tzovaras, Bastian, Nold, Christian, … Wehn, Uta. (2020, April 1). ECSA's Characteristics of Citizen Science. Zenodo.
Schaefer, T., Kieslinger, B. (2019) Citizen Science: Different Scopes of Citizens’ Involvement in Research. Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Springer, New York, NY,
Schaefer, T. , Rahn, J. , Kopp, T. , Fabian, C. M. and Brown, A. (2019), Fostering online learning at the workplace: A scheme to identify and analyse collaboration processes in asynchronous discussions. British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol 50 No 3, 1354–1367
Bimrose, J., Brown, A., Mulvey, R., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C., Schaefer, T., Kinkel, S., Kopp, T., Dewanti, R. (2018). Transforming identities and co-constructing careers of career counsellors. Journal of Vocational Behaviour.
Kieslinger, B., Tschank, J., Schaefer, T., Fabian, C.M. (2018). Working in increasing isolation? How an international MOOC for career professionals supports peer learning across distance. Internationl Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Vol 11, Issue 1,
Wolf, C., Schaefer, T., Curcovic, K., Vlahovic, T., Rees, A. and J. Tschank (2018), Empowering Public Employment Service Practitioners’ peer facilitation with peer coaching training. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 16 (1), Springer
Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T., Heigl, F., Dörler, D., Richter, R., Bonn, B. (2017). The Challenge of Evaluation: An Open Framework for Evaluating Citizen Science Activities. SocArXiv. September 20.
Voigt, C., Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T. (2017). User Experiences Around Sentiment Analyses, Facilitating Workplace Learning, in: Human-Computer Interaction International Conference. Vancouver, Canada, 9-14 July. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58562-8_24
Schaefer, T. et al. (2017) "Chapter 5.2: Strengthening professional networks and peer support: lessons learned." EmployID: Empowering Change in Public Employment Services. Part II, 2017, download here.
Schaefer, T. et al. (2017) "Chapter 6.2: Building resourceful learning capacity: lessons learned." EmployID: Empowering Change in Public Employment Services. Part II, 2017, download here.
Kroop, S., Schäfer, T., Kieslinger, B. (2016) The CAPTOR project: Joint Efforts Reducing Ozone Pollution. Front. Environ. Sci. Conference Abstract: Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FENVS.2016.01.00010
Attwell, G., Kieslinger, B., Blunk, O., Schmidt, A., Schäfer, T., Jelonek, M., Kunzmann, C., Prilla, M., Renard, C. (2016). Workplace Learning Analytics for Facilitation in European Public Employment Services. In: LAK 2016 Workshop on Learning Analytics for Workplace and Professional Learning.
Schaefer Teresa and Barbara Kieslinger (2016). ‘Supporting emerging forms of citizen science: a plea for diversity, creativity and social innovation’. Journal of Science Communication (JCOM) 15 (02), Y02.
Silva, C. G., Monteiro, A., Manahl, C., Lostal, E., Schäfer, T., Andrade, N., Brasileiro, F., Mota, P. G., Serrano, F., Carrodeguas, J. A., Brito, R. M. M. (2016). ‘Cell Spotting: educational and motivational outcomes of cell biology citizen science project in the classroom’. Journal of Science Communication 15 (01), A02
Schaefer, T. et al. (2016) "Chapter 3: Evaluation Framework." EmployID: Empowering Change in Public Employment Services. Part II, 2017, download here.
Schaefer, T., Kieslinger B. und C.M. Fabian (2015): Kriterienkatalog zur Bewertung von Citizen Science Projekten und Projektanträgen. Im Auftrag des Bundesminsterium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bmwfw).
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., (2015): Citizen Science: BürgerInnen schaffen Innovationen. In Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft im Dialog: Responsible Science. Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bmwfw).
Teresa Holocher-Ertl, Christine Kunzmann, Lars Müller, Verónica Rivera Pelayo, Andreas P. Schmidt, Carmen Wolf
Motivational and Affective Aspects in Technology Enhanced Learning (MATEL). Workshop-Proceedings of MATEL Workshop 2013-2014.
KIT Scientific Working Paper vol. 26, KIT, 2015
Serrano Sanz, F., Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., García, F.S. and Cândida G. Silva (2014): White Paper on Citizen Science in Europe.
C.G. Silva, et. al. (2014): SOCIENTIZE participatory experiments, dissemination and networking activities in perspective. Human Computation Journal, 1:2
Bimrose, J., Brown, A., Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., Kunzmann, C., Prilla, M., Schmidt, A.P., and C. Wolf (2014): The Role of Facilitation in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Public Employment Services, International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), vol. 7, no. 3, 2014, pp. 56-65
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kunzmann, C., Müller, L., Rivera-Pelayo, V., Schmidt, A.P. (2013): Motivational and Affective Aspects in Technology Enhanced Learning: Topics, Results and Research Route. EC-TEL 2013: 460-465
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2013): Motivational drivers and barriers for computer-supported learning processes between schools and scientific institutions, MATEL 2013 Workshop @ ECTEL, Cyprus.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2012): Designing for the Users or with the Users? A Participatory Design Approach for Science Teaching in Schools. In the Proceedings of the 22nd annual eChallenges e-2012 Conference, October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Schwarz-Woelzl, M. (2012): Mobile Social Networking Platforms and Their Potential for Adressing Social Needs of Older People. Presentation at the IFA 11th Global Conference on Ageing, May 2012, Prague.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2012): Linking Schools with Science: How Innovative Tools Can Increase the Effectiveness of Science Teaching in the Classroom. In Proceedings of the 2012 EDEN Annual Conference, June 2012, Porto, Portugal
Holocher-Ertl, T., Fabian, C.M., Siadaty, M., Jovanović, J., Pata, K., Gašević, D. (2011): Self-regulated Learners and Collaboration: How Innovative Tools Can Address the Motivation to Learn at the Workplace? in Proceedings of EC-TEL 2011, LNCS 6964, pp. 506–511, 2011.
Holocher, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2011): Applying Participatory Methods to Address Motivational Aspects in Informal Workplace Learning. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Vol 4, No 1, ISSN: 1867-5565
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B. (2011). Partizipatives Design als Innovation im Wissensmanagement. In Pendeln zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. Reflexionen über das Arbeiten an sozialen Innovationen. Vienna: LIT Verlag.
Holocher-Ertl, T. & Schwarz-Woelzl, M. (2011). Methodology of research in requirements elicitation with older people (Go-myLife report No. 2.1). Retrieved from
Holocher-Ertl, T. & Schwarz-Woelzl, M. (2011). Participatory workshops with older people (Go-myLife report No. 2.2). Retrieved from
Schwarz-Woelzl, M. & Holocher-Ertl, T. (2011). Synthesis Report on target group analysis and user needs and requirements (Go-myLife report No. 2.3). Retrieved from
Holocher-Ertl, T. & Schwarz-Woelzl, M. (2011). Methodology of pilot testing and evaluation with older people (Go-myLife report No. 6.1). Retrieved from
Holocher, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2010): Participatory methods and their implications in collaborative workplace learning. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimeida, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010 (pp. 7-15).
Holocher, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2010): How to motivate participation in informal workplace learning: Participatory methods and their implications. In Proceedings of the International conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2010, June 2010, New York, NY, USA
Siadaty, M., Jovanović, J., Pata, K., Holocher-Ertl, T., Gašević, D., Milikić, N. (2011): A Sematic Web-enabled Tool for Self-Regulared Learning in the Workplace.In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.
Siadaty, M., Jovanovic, J., Gasevic, D., Jermic, Z., Holocher, T. (2010): Leveraging Semantic Technologies for Harmonization of Individual and Organizational Learning. In Proceedings of EC-Tel 2010, Barcelona, Spain, LNCS 6383, pp. 340-356
Obrist, M., Miletich, M., Holocher, T., Beck, E., Kepplinger, S., Muzak, P., Bernhaupt, R., Tscheligi, M. (2009) Local communities & iptv: Lessons learned in an early design and development phase. Computers in Entertainment.
Obrist, M., Moser, C., Alliez, D., Holocher, T., and Tscheligi, M. (2009) Connecting tv & pc: An in-situ field evaluation of an unified electronic program guide concept. In EuroiTV2009: 7th European conference on interactive television.
Holocher-Ertl, T.: Vom Unternehmenspiloten zum Unternehmensdesigner : das Beer Distribution Game - eine kritische Betrachtung der Lernerfahrungen aus dem Spiel und dessen Debriefing / Teresa Holocher-Ertl , 2003 . - 185 Bl. Wien, Wirtschaftsuniv., Dipl.-Arb., 2004 . -
Teilnahme an folgenden Veranstaltungen:
ZSI focus session at ECSA
- Wien
03. 04. 2024 - 03. 04. 2024 -
Participatory Evaluation in Citizen Science
- Krems, hybrid and online
27. 09. 2021 - 29. 09. 2021 -
Participatory evaluation in citizen science
- Online
12. 05. 2021 - 12. 05. 2021 -
Critical Making Workshop
25. 03. 2021 - 25. 03. 2021 -
Webinar: Co-shaping evaluation in Citizen Science?
27. 01. 2021 - 27. 01. 2021 -
Citizen Science SDG Conference
- Kulturbrauerei Berlin
14. 10. 2020 - 15. 10. 2020 -
European Citizen Science Association Conference 2020
- Exclusively online due to Covid-19
06. 09. 2020 - 11. 09. 2020 -
Public Employment Services: Symposium in London
- London, UK
16. 10. 2015 - 16. 10. 2015 -
Seminar „Von der Idee zur Realisierung“
- Donau-Universität Krems
15. 04. 2015 - 17. 04. 2015 -
Intensivtraining „Soziale Innovation“: Trainingstage ab Februar 2014
- Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Linke Wienzeile 246, 1150 Wien
28. 02. 2014 - 05. 06. 2014 -
RTDI evaluation training in Podgorica, Montenegro
- Podgorica
17. 06. 2013 - 21. 06. 2013 -
RTDI evaluation training in Budapest
- Budapest
19. 04. 2013 -
Soziale Innovationen im 21. Jahrhundert
- Wien
30. 11. 2009 - 01. 12. 2009
Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang:
Master of Business Administration at the Vienna University for Economics (2003)
June 07 - August 09 User-centred design and evaluation of networked audiovisual media, based on the concepts "technology driving social innovation" and "social innovation driving technology" within the FP6 IP "CITIZEN MEDIA - social change" (as employee from Sonovista - creative tools for e-society).
Nov03 - Jun05 User-centred design and integration of e-government services optimizing the information flow between citizens and the regional government authority of Vorarlberg.
August 01 - October 03 User-centred design and development of internal and external internet services together with and for employees of the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (as employee from OeKB)
Jul99 - Jul 00 Management of the 200 European Extranet Sites of IBM as interface between end-users from marketing/sales and technicians, training of new employees and optimization of documentation and update-processes (as employee from IBM)
October 89 - December 99 Conception and project management of e-Lisa, the first and biggest online academy for teachers in Austria (as employee from Margetich & Miletich)
October 95-October 98 Management of divers web-projects for Casions Austria, Berglandmilch, Wienerberger (as employee from Missing Link - Media research group)