
Magª. Maria Schrammel

Bereich: Technik & Wissen

Funktionen am ZSI: Researcher


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Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:

Maria Schrammel has an academic background in Social and Cultural Anthropology and further specialised on Social Ecology. Since 2014 she is working as researcher and project manager at the Centre for Social Innovation and successfully coordinated, managed and participated in a number of FP7, H2020 adn HEU projects addressing RRI, bioeconomy and science communication. She has proven and strong expertise in co-creation, design thinking and other process oriented methodological formats. The development and successful implementation of multi-stakeholder workshops, dialogues and trainings on national and international level are key in her project work. Additionally, she is lecturing at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna and accompanies people in their professional career as business coach.

Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte:

Weitere Publikationen:


Schrammel M., Marschalek i. (2024). Virtual Social Labs - Requirements and Challenges for Effective Team Collaboration. In Journal of Responsible TechnologyVolume 20, 100095. Elsevier. 

Schrammel M., Marschalek i. (2023).  Virtual Social Labs. A guide for digital co-creation processes. FoodSafety4EU project. In: Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10143037

Schrammel M., Seebacher L.M. & Feichtinger J. (2023). Actor groups influencing and shaping sustainable microalgae value chains in Europe. In:  Frontiers in Aquaculture, 2:1186325.

Viktoria Adler, Nadine Gratzer, Maria Schrammel (2022). Wer ich bin... Identitäten in Bewegung. In: Stefan Krist, Viktoria Adler, Erzhen Khilkhanova: Father Baikal and his Cosmopolitans / Vater Baikal und seine Weltbürger*innen. Praesens. Wien. ISBN13 9783706905992

Schrammel, M., Marschalek, i. (2021). FSO Lab manual including compilation of tools. D2.1. FOODSAFETY4EU project.

Maria Schrammel, Stefanie Schuerz, Dorothea Sturn (2021). Summary and evaluation reports on Pilot I results. D2.1. PRO-Ethics Project.

Schrammel, M., Marschalek, i., Feichtinger J. (2020). BLOOM Validated monitoring results. (D5.3 BLOOM Project report).

Handler, K., Hofer, M., Marschalek, i., Schrammel, M., Seebacher, L., & Unterfrauner, E. (2020). Self-Reflection Tool. Fostering Responsible Research and Innovation. Vienna: Centre for Social Innovation.

Marschalek, i., Handler, K., Hofer, M., Schrammel, M. & Unterfrauner, E. (2019) . Responsible Research and innovation (RRI) – a critical reflection towards evaluation standards.In Carayannis, E.G.: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. New York: Springer. Available at:

Unterfrauner, E., Marschalek, i., Schrammel, M. & Seebacher, L. (2019). Social Labs to promote the uptake of RRI – experiences from the NewHoRRIzon project. Presentation at the Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference.

Schrammel. M, Feichtinger J., Steinhaus, L. Schields, M. (2018). Guidebook on engagement and co-creation methodologies. (D3.3. BLOOM Project report).

Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., Schrammel, M. & Menichinelli, M. (2017). The Maker Movement and the Disruption of the Producer-Consumer Relation. Presented at the 4th International Conference, INSCI, Thessaloniki: Springer

Unterfrauner, E., Hofer, M., Schrammel, M. & Fabian, C.M. (2017). The environmental vaule of the Maker movement. Skiathos: ERSCP conference (presentation).

Unterfrauner, E., Schrammel, M., Hofer, M., Fabian, C.M., Voigt, C., Deljanin, S.R., Sorivelle, M.N., Devoldere, B. & Haga, H. (2017). Final case study report focusing on cross-case analysis. MAKE-IT project report. Available at:

Marschalek, i., Handler, K., Hofer, M., Schrammel, M. & Unterfrauner, E. (accpeted) . Responsible Research and innovation (RRI) – a critical reflection towards evaluation standards.In Carayannis, E.G.: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. New York: Springer.

Marschalek, I., Schrammel, M., Unterfrauner, E. & Hofer, M. (2017). Interactive reflection trainings on RRI for multiple stakeholder groups. Journal of Responsible Innovation.

Schrammel, M., Hofer, M., Unterfrauner, E., Marschalek, I., Voigt, C., Schuch, K. & Siller, C. (2016). D5.4 - Proof of concept self-reflection tool. RRI tools project report. Available at:

Marschalek, i., Handler, K., Hofer, M., Schrammel, M. & Unterfrauner, E. (accpeted) . Responsible Research and innovation (RRI) – a critical reflection towards evaluation standards.In Carayannis, E.G.: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. New York: Springer.

Unterfrauner, E., Marschalek, I., Hofer, M. & Schrammel, M. (2016). Measuring RRI - a Shift of Perspective on Evaluation?. Vienna: Open Evaluation conference (presentation).

Schrammel, M., Hofer, M., Marschalek, I., Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., Schuch, K. & Siller, C. (2016). D5.3 Validation report on the RRI Toolkit. RRI tools project report. Available at:

Schuch, K., Schrammel, M., Marschalek, i. (2016). Plattform Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Österreich. oead' news. Schwerpunkt: Responsible Research and Innovation. Nr 101.

Sanches de Leon, C., Schrammel, M., Hofer, M. (2016). Summary piloting report D4.2. SeeingNano project report.

Dobner, S., Schrammel, M., Voigt, C. et. al. (2016) Cap4Access Report: Pilot City Activities in the second project year! (Cap4Access project report).

Marschalek, i., Schrammel, M. & Unterfrauner, E. (2016). Tools to support the implementation of RRI. 2016. 8th annual S.Net meeting. Bergen: University of Bergen (presentation).

Unterfrauner, E. Schrammel, M. & Hofer, M. (2016). Reflecting on Responsible Research and Innovation. Dublin: 7th Living Knowledge Conference.

Griessler, E., Hafellner, S., Hofer, M. ,Schiffbaenker, H., Schrammel, M. & Unterfrauner, E. (Submitted)..How to foster the RRI concept in the Austrian context. Journal of Responsible Innovation.

Unterfrauner, E., Schrammel, M. & Hofer, M. (2016). RRI in practice – what do I need to know on RRI and how can I implement it? Presented at STS conference. Graz: University of Klagenfurt.

Schrammel, M., Hofer, M., Unterfrauner, E. (2016). Developing a RRI Self-Reflection tool. How to stimulate a reflection process on RRI. Presented at GO4 conference. RRI shaping new horizons. Brussels.

Schrammel, M., Hofer, M. (2016). Putting RRI into practice. Exploring the self-reflection tool and practicing with real cases. Presented at ECSITE conference. Graz.

Hofer, M., Unterfrauer, E., Marschalek, I. & Schrammel, M. (2015). Responsible research and innovation – quality criteria and evaluation standards. Vienna: SI-Drive conference.

Smallman, M., Handler, K., Schrammel, M., Hofer, M., Miller, S., Voigt, C. (2015). D5.2: Methodologies and tools for Internal Formative Evaluation. (RRI Tools project report).

Voigt, Christian, Dobner, Susanne, Schrammel, Maria et al. (2015): Deliverable 2.1 Pilot plans and analysis for case study sites. Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities & Regions (Cap4acess). Available from:

Handler, K., Marschalek, I., Schrammel, M., Hofer, M. (2015). NanOpinion - Engageing beyond the scientific community. Journal of Nanotmaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology.

Schrammel, M., Hofer, M., Handler K. (2015). Developing tools for RRI. Presented at STS conference. Graz: University of Klagenfurt.

Schrammel, M. (2015). Solving crime through social media - Improving vocational competences in the security sector. Presented at INTED conference. Madrid.

Schrammel, M. (2014). Social Media and the Police - an Austrian picture. SOMEP project.

Maria Schrammel (2017): Die Rainbowfamily - Genderegalität und die Maxime der Hirarchielosigkeit. Av Akademikerverlag. ISBN-13: 978-3330513792


Teilnahme an folgenden Veranstaltungen:

Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang:

2006 - 2012: Magistra in Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna

July 2021 - Feb 2022: Certified Business Coach

July 2020 - November 2020: Zertifikatskurs Projektmanagement

July 2020: Businessmind - Online Moderation

March 2019: Businessmind - Train the Trainer

July 2018: Businessmind - Großgruppen Moderation

July 2018: Businessmind - Workshop Moderation

May - July 2011: Internship at IOM Vienna

May 2011: Certificate for International Migration Law, IOM Vienna

Sept. - Oct. 2009: Certificate for Practice of Ethnografic Documentary Film



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