
Dr. Michaela Bruckmayer, MA, BBA

Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit

Funktionen am ZSI: Wissenschaftliche Projektleiterin



Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte:

Weitere Publikationen:


  • Holtgrewe, U.; Wolter, S.; Bruckmayer, M.; (Eds.) Social innovations in and with the welfare state. Project WeLAR. Funded by Horizon Europe (2024). 
  • European Commission: Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, Bartz, K., Gaglio, I., Linz, F., Sorrenti, A., Spolverato, G., Disley, E., Blondes, E., Bruckmayer, M., Calderoni, F., & Anastasio, M. (2024). Study supporting the evaluation of the EU Directive 2011/93 and the impact assessment of possible options for its amendment: final report, Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Hofman, J.; Bruckmayer, M.; Nightingale, M.; Picken, N.; Straathof, C.; Niemi, T. (2024). International Evidence Review on In-Work Progression; Department for Work and Pensions.
  • Disley, E.; Bruckmayer, M.; Gaglio, I.; Sorrenti, A.; Parisi, P.  Study to support the evaluation of the Directive on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims and an impact assessment for a legislative proposal on the topic, European Commission (2023).
  • Hofman, J.; Bruckmayer, M.; Feyerabend, K.; Larmour, S.; Reed, M.; Lymperis, L.; ‘Green’ jobs and skills development for disadvantaged groups, RAND Europe (2022).
  • Hofman, J.; Doyle, J.; Haider, A.; Bruckmayer, M.; Skills Needs in Selected Occupations Over the Next 5–10 Years: Research Report. Department for Education, (2022).
  • Nightingale, M.; Flemons, L; Bruckmayer, M.; Blondes, E.; Feyerabend, K.; Hofman, J.; Hulme, S.; Combating Coercive Control and Psychological Violence Against Women in the EU Member States, European Institute for Gender Equality (2022).
  • Dunkerley, F.; Bruckmayer, M.; Flemons, L.; Hofman, J.; Virdee, M.; Wright, S.; Hogarth, T.  Labour Market and Skills Demand Horizon Scanning and Scenarios, Department for Education, (2022).
  • Bartz, K., Colombo, N; Gaglio, I.; Gyszas, A.; Linz, F.; Bruckmayer, M.; Disley, E., Study to Support the Preparation of an Impact Assessment on EU Policy Initiatives Facilitating Cross-border Law Enforcement Cooperation – Final Report, European Commission (2021).
  • Ling. T, and Michaela Bruckmayer, Engaging Multi-disciplinary Practitioners in a Complex Field of Social Policy – a methodological discussion paper, RAND Europe (2021).
  • Bruckmayer, M.; Picken, N.; Flemons, L.; Provisions of School Meals Across the European Union – Rationales, Evidence, Barriers, and Facilitators, European Platform for Investing in Children, European Commission (2021).
  • Janta, B.; Bruckmayer, M.; de Silva, A.; Gilder, L.; Culora, A.; Cole, S.; Leenders, E.; Schuurman, M.; Hagger-Vaughan, A.; Study on Child Participation in the EU Political and Democratic Life: Final Report, European Commission (2021). 
  • Hulme, S.; Flemons, L.; Pontedeira, C.; Bruckmayer, M.; Hofman, J.; The Covid-19 Pandemic and Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the EU, European Institute for Gender Equality (2021).
  • Phillips, W. and Bruckmayer, M. Children and Mental Health – Preventive Approaches to Anxiety and Depression, European Platform for Investing in Children, European Commission (2020).
  • Bruckmayer, M.; Picken, N.; Janta, B. Child and Family Policy Developments Across the EU in 2019, European Platform for Investing in Children, European Commission (2020).
  • Hofman, J., Nightingale, M.; Bruckmayer, M.; de Silva, A.; Picken, N.; Incentives for Young Parents to Return to the Labour Market, European Parliament (2020).
  • Bruckmayer, M.; Galimberti, S.; Anti-bullying Practices from the Repository of the European Platform for Investing in Children, European Commission (2020).
  • Hofman, J., Nightingale, M., Bruckmayer, M., Sanjurjo, P., Equal Pay for Equal Work: Binding pay-transparency measures, Study for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg (2020).
  • Devaux, A.; Dunkerley, F.; Koch, N.; Bruckmayer, M.; Phillips, W. and Jordan, V., Research for CULT Committee – Education and Youth in the European Union, Current challenges and prospects, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels (2019).


  • Amidst the excitement for AI innovation, the government must not forget its responsibility for protecting women and girls, Refuge, 1 Nov. 2023.
  • Intimate image abuse – despite increased reports to the police, charging rates remain low (with Bo Bottomley), Refuge, 25 Jan. 2023.
  • More support and new initiatives may be needed for Green Transition so disadvantaged groups don't fall behind (with Joanna Hofman and Katrin Feyerabend), the RAND Blog. 08 Nov. 2022.
  • Engaging Different Types of Practitioners in the Complex Social Policy Area of Adverse Childhood Experiences, The RAND Blog, 21 Oct. 2021 (with Tom Ling).
  • What Works in Preventing the Development of Depression and Anxiety in Children, The RAND Blog, 09 Feb. 2021.
  • Helping Mothers Return to Work is a Gender Equality Issue, Open Access Government, 21 Jan. 2021 (with Joanna Hofman).
  • Giving Children a Voice Can Lead to Better Outcomes for All: Developing the New European Strategy on the Rights of the Child, The RAND Blog, 03 Nov. 2020.
  • Equal Pay for Equal Work: How Binding Pay Transparency Measures May Help, Encompass, 20 May 2020.
  • Si Se Puede? Civil Society in US Migration Governance,, 22 June 2016.

Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang:

PhD in Politics, University of Sheffield, UK, 2019

MA in International Affairs, California State University, Sacramento, CA, USA, 2012

BBA in Business Administration, Midwestern State University, TX, USA, 2009

Matura, 1190 Vienna, Austria, 2004