ZSI has a special department to deal with analysis and support of the whole RTDI policy cycle - "Research Policy and Development". Main activities here are evaluation, monitoring, and impact assessment that allow for evidence-based policy making, as well as support to the process of defining and implementing RTDI policies. We also facilitate the networking activities that help various stakeholders to find a common ground for the development of joint strategies, be it on the national, European, or international level.
Some of our showcases are listed below:
Example of an evaluation support: Platform Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval)
Example of a foresight process supporting endeavours on European level: VERA
Examples of European Commission-supported projects to link up on policy level with international partners: SEA-EU-NET, ALCUENET , CAAST-NET, and many more
Example of a project to support evaluation harmonisation in Southeast Europe: EVAL-INNO
Example of an analytical support towards a joint national internationalisation strategy: AG7a
Contact person: Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch
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