Select a competence ...
Citizen Science
Co-creation and quadruple helix cooperation
Demographic Change, Ageing & Health
Educational Research and Lifelong Learning
Energy, Climate Change, Bioeconomy and Food
Information and Communication Technologies
Labour Market and Employment Policy
Migration & Integration
National, Regional and European RTDI Policies
Open Science
Regional Development
Responsible Research and Innovation
Science Communication
Social Inclusion & Equal Opportunities
Social Innovation
Techno-globalisation and Internationalisation Strategies
Technology Enhanced Learning
Co-creation and quadruple helix cooperation
Contributing to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals)
ZSI is actively involved in different activities in linking academia, businesses and the government, i.e. also in the field of knowledge transfer and in taking a social-scientific (Science and Technology Studies) perspective on technology transfer. In order to better understand how scientific knowledge can turn into products and services, a social-scientific view on the nature and context of knowledge production, as well as application, is necessary (in addition to management, legal, and organisational development, together with other elements). This perspective, for instance, takes into account not only tacit knowledge and absorptive capacities, but also the co-construction of technology (by technology producers/users) and the relevance of its material aspects. For example, universities need to be modernized to become key players for the successful transition of Europe into a knowledge-based society. Thanks to their triple role, as a source of the highest level of education, providers of applied research and facilitators of innovation, their transition to entrepreneurial universities is important. Innovation ecosystems where needs of academia, businesses and the governments (as well as civil society) are taken into account and openly exchanged, become more competitive. Our projects aim to support different sectors to move to more complex and innovative activities and to support partners to increase their spending on R&I and make better use of it.
All around the world, governments have recognized and emphasized the need to develop “innovative regions”, entrepreneurial universities, more links between research, industry and governments, and the increase the capacity of universities to cooperate with the business sector, in order to adapt to the rapidly changing technology, industry needs, and social environment. Smart Specialisation as well as improvement of innovation ecosystems as well as links between academia and industry play a role in several of our projects. For example, we have supported the modernisation of universities and the development of R&I systems in South East and Eastern Europe through projects such as Danube-INCO.NET , Black Sea Horizon or WBCInno which supported the development of Technology Transfer Centers, Business Incubators and Science Technology Parks etc. ZSI also aims to improve project management and administration through participation in BESTPRAC and the coordination of Excellence in ReSTI , a project increasing the competences of managers of technological, social and research-based innovation projects. The project RAISE - Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies is another example improving SME competitiveness.
Contact person:
Magª. Elke Dall
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