Selected projects of our three units
gReen and digitAl Initiative addreSsEd to dropoUts' Prevention (Research)Preparing students for green and digital skills and preventing early school dropouts in Italy through... -
Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe (Research)WeLaR sucht Wege, Wirtschaftswachstum inklusiv zu gestalten, Produktivitätsgewinne fair zu verteilen... -
Lost Millennials
Lost Millennials - Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs (Research)Establishment of a Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs -
Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management (Research)As AI and algorithmic decision-making are increasingly widespread in companies, INCODING explores the... -
Untangling the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change to foster shared prosperity in Europe (Research)UNTANGLED looks at the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change... -
Towards an Alpine Age - Friendly Environment (Research)T.A.A.F.E aims at enhancing the capacities of public authorities and service providers in the Alpine... -
Lost Millennials
Lost Millennials - Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs (Research)Establishment of a Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs -
Climatubers - Influencers for Change (Education)Participatory Video and Digital Storytelling against climate-driven inequalities -
Evaluation der Projekte des AK-Digitalisierungsfonds (Research)
Das ZSI evaluiert für die AK Wien die Projekte des AK-Digitalisierungsfonds im Hinblick auf deren Beitrag... -
Evaluation der Richtlinie zur"Förderung von Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der Sozialpolitik" (Research)
Das Projekt evaluiert das Förderprogramm für Sozialpolitikforschung des deutschen Bundesministeriums... -
Datenerhebung Wiener Gleichstellungsmonitor 2021 und Redaktion (Research)
Datenrecherche und Berechnung von Indikatoren zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Wien -
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Circular Systemic Solutions: Plastic, Packaging, Biowaste, Water (Research)CircSyst is a Horizon Europe-funded initiative bringing together 32 partners from eight European countries... -
Circular Systemic Solutions: Plastic, Packaging, Biowaste, Water (Research)CircSyst is a Horizon Europe-funded initiative bringing together 32 partners from eight European countries... -
Circular Systemic Solutions: Plastic, Packaging, Biowaste, Water (Research)CircSyst is a Horizon Europe-funded initiative bringing together 32 partners from eight European countries... -
Circular Systemic Solutions: Plastic, Packaging, Biowaste, Water (Research)CircSyst is a Horizon Europe-funded initiative bringing together 32 partners from eight European countries... -
Social innovation for climate change adaptation & mitigation (Research)Experimental approaches and the role of social innovation in climate change adaptation & mitigation ... -
International Advocacy for the Strategic Alignment of MSCA Cooperation Mechanisms in Key Partner Countries and Regions (Networks)The project is supporting the EC in a more strategic orientation of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions... -
AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal (Research)Supporting the European Green Deal, understanding behavioural change, experimentation and social innovation -
R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS (Networks)Horizon Europe Coordination and Support Action supporting policy dialogue and implementation with a ... -
Foresight on Demand in Science, Technology, and Research and Innovation Policy (Policy Advice)Responding to the demand for quick inputs to policy-making and drawing on the best available foresight... -
ERA PORTAL AUSTRIA: 2021-2027 (Networks)
Knowledge Sharing Platform on EU R&I Policy for Austria (and Europe) -
Austrian Research and Technology Report 2019-2022 (Research)Yearly status reports to the Austrian parliament on the nation’s RTI policy -
Codesigning Citizen Social Science for Collective Action (Research)Developing the theoretical and methodological framework of Citizen Social Science -
AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal (Research)Supporting the European Green Deal, understanding behavioural change, experimentation and social innovation -
Responsible research and Innovation Policy Experimentations for Energy Transition (Research)Supporting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) policy experimentations for the energy transition... -
ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies (Research)Horizon 2020 project addressing challenges facing coal and carbon-intensive regions -
Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres (Research)Developing and implementing an Ethics Governance System for grounding good practices in RRI in HEFRCs -
Participatory Real Life Experiments in Research and Innovation Funding Organisations on Ethics (Research)Elaborating an ethics framework on how citizens’ engagement can be properly put in place without disregarding... -
Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies (Research)RRI policy experiments in the healthcare sector in three European territories -
A Competitive Intelligence Cloud/HPC Platform for AI-based STI Policy Making (Research)Developing pilots on using the European cloud infrastructure and AI for public administrations -
Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems (Networks)Supporting the development of territorial Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkan ... -
Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy (Networks)Cooperation between the EU and Africa on renewable energy -
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Informing and educating young people on more sustainable behaviours and choices to build a future Generation informed and interested in Bioeconomy (Research)Informing and educating young people on more sustainable behaviours and choices to build a future Generation... -
Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange (Research)Empowering European companies by delivering a modular, open-source and multi-domain Framework to improve... -
Better understanding, intensified engagement, training and development in regional bio-based systems (Research)Better understanding, intensified engagement, training and development in regional bio-based systems -
Biobased and social innovation to revitalise European local communities (Research)BIOLOC will address challenges entailed by the transition to circular bioeconomy and elaborate solutions... -
Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions (Policy Advice)Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions: the transition towards... -
Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions (Policy Advice)Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions: the transition towards... -
African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (Research)International Partnership between European and African Innovation Hubs -
Support the TRANSITION towards the BIOeconomy for a more sustainable future through communication, education and public engagement (Education)Transition2BIO is a communication and support action that promoted the transition towards a more sustainable... -
TIME4CS (Research)
TIME4CS supports the implementation of sustainable institutional changes in Research Performing Organizations... -
FoodSafety4EU - Multi-stakeholder Platform for Food Safety in Europe (Research)The Project focuses on the design, development and release of a multi-stakeholder platform for the future... -
Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition (Research)EC² gathered empirical evidence on how the set-up of energy communities fosters or hinders energy citizenship... -
Step Change
Science Transformation in EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch (Research)STEP CHANGE is designed to contribute to making the most of citizen science potentialities, while at... -
Critical Making (Research)
Critical Making: Studying RRI Principles in the Maker Community -
Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services (Research)OPEN!NEXT supported SMEs, empowers company-community collaboration in order to push co-development and... -
REsearch INfrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe (Research)REINFORCE was aiming at closing the gap between citizens and Research Infrastuctures (RI) by launching... -
Microalgae Protein Ingredients for the Food and Feed of the Future (Research)ProFuture focuses on the implementation of innovative, sustainable and effective technologies to produce... -
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