
Konferenz in Aachen 17.-18.03: 'Going global?...'

Beitrag von Stefanie Smoliner (ZSI) über den deutschen und öster. Arbeitsmarkt

Date: 18. March 2011

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities

"Going global? Hochqualifizierte MigrantInnen und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe" lautet der Titel der internationalen Konferenz der RWTH Aachen Universität. Gemeinsam mit Holger Siebert (IAB, Berlin) widmet sich Stefanie Smoliner (ZSI, Wien) am 18.03.2011 in ihrem Vortrag "How well does education travel? Returns to foreign degrees on the German and Austrian labour market" jenen Zielgruppen mit migrantischem Hintergrund, die trotz hoher Qualifikationen Probleme haben, sich am Arbeitsmarkt zu positionieren:

"Austria and Germany are both industrial countries with a long ranging history of labour migration. However, both countries nowadays count bigger populations of migrants who do not stem from the traditional recruitment countries of the Mediterranean area but from Eastern and Western Europe. Due to these diversification processes, the qualification structure of immigrants changed. Austria and Germany now experience skilled and highly skilled immigration every day through different migration channels (labour migration, family reunification and asylum seekers). Therefore the question has to be addressed whether immigrants’ skills are as effectively utilized on the Austrian and German labour market as the skills of the native-born are (...)."


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Type: Event organised by other institutions

Organizer: RWTH Aachen Universität

Location: Aachen

Website: http://www.hochqualifizierte-m ... gramm.html


Tags: labour market, social cohesion, social inclusion

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