Preview on International Partnership Conference
Date: 11. - 12. October 2011
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
The Community of Practice (COP) on Partnership in the ESF is glad to announce that the International Partnership Conference will be held on 11 and 12 October 2011 in Vienna, Austria. The conference will bring together approximately 150 key stakeholders such as ESF Managing Authorities (MAs), programme designers, representatives of the European Commission and the Committee of Regions as well as partnership experts in order toexchange and discuss partnership practices adopted by the MAs at programme and project level as well as future challenges of partnership implementation in the programme period 2014+.
The conference is a part of the work programme of the Community of Practice on Partnership in the ESF (abbreviation: COP). It was set up as mutual transnational learning network under the ESF 2007-2013 ensuring knowledge exchange of ESF-Managing Authorities (MAs) as well as other stakeholders. The COP focuses on partnerships being adopted by national and regional Operational Programmes (OPs) of Member states (MS). The overall COP objective is to contribute to enhanced policy outcomes. Through learning from experiences of its members the COP aims for developing improved policy frameworks for the promotion of partnerships.
National and regional partnership representatives will be gathered in order to provide an overview of existing national and regional partnership policies and share best practices. Several examples of partnership practices adopted by the ESF-OPs and other programmes, selected in the preparation phase, will be presented at exhibition stands and via bi-lateral meetings. Furthermore the Partnership Learning Manual, which comprises key results of the COP, and the Communiqué on Partnerships, a joint statement of ESF-MAs on partnerships, will be presented at the conference.
Online registration will be accessible in upcoming days. Please check the COP website for news on the conference, the agenda and the online registration.
Working language of the meeting is English. No participation fee is required. Travel, accommodation and other costs are covered by participants themselves.
Doris Ballwein,
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Jana Machacova,
Petra Moser,
ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation
Type: Collaborative event (ZSI as co-organiser)